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Just another little audio where I read my YouTube comment section! Hope you're having a good week 💗


Simon R.

I think that person thought AI stands for angelic^^

Simon R.

In the Rebellious girl Series Maddison and Chad got married. And no I did not have to look that up xP Can I call myself an expert now? 😂

Simon R.

Or you could make it a raffle for your patreon who gets to play the brother 🤪

Chris d em

Unfortunately Scratching yr own head never works the same way glow..🙁x❤️

Chris d em

Mate …with the deep cuts u pull out in q n A’s… u officially are the curator of the sacred glow scrolls….👍🙏x

Simon R.

Just saying: I listened to both running away audios and they’re both really enjoyable. No idea why you don’t like them ☺️ And this will (probably) be the last comment sorry 😂