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*checks Glow's content* *checks Disney princess checklist* Boys, these are really starting to line up now


Are you going to San Francisco? (Flowers in your hair reference)


Definitely a disney princess

Scott B.

They missed the mark not casting you as Daisy in the Mario movie

Simon R.

I need some guidance. Being an awkward kind of person I am not sure how a normal person is supposed to react to something like this. On the one hand I feel some kind of reaction is in order to show the person posting it isn’t irrelevant to the people looking at it, on the other hand I feel like what ever one writes it has a good likelihood to get into the territory of creepy and going so much to far it might make people reading gag. Sometimes I manage to hide my social ineptitude behind poetry or something, other times I am stuck in indecisiveness. Anyone have some advice? Am I overthinking again? Did anyone ever wonder the same? Oh and nice picture Glow. Sorry for the spam 😂

Simon R.

When the rays of the sun stretching through the sky, Set aglow a beauty from in- to outside. When the pretty flowers fade from colorful to white, When the butterflies, ashamed in comparison refuse to take flight. When the earth holds its breath for it can finally see, What so many knew the simple truth would be. For the beauty that lies within which turned so much sorrow, Came out to greet the day today and tomorrow. But one thing no one may ever forget, No matter how high the external beauty may get, No matter how much beauty on the outside might reside, It can never compare to the beauty inside. Regretting your answer yet? 😂 If you don’t I hope you enjoyed the poem 🤪 Enjoy the sunshine 😊

Cristian Mejia

I gotta say. That’s a nice bundle of flowers in well kept hair. Matches the vibes of the area


Beautiful ❤️

Chris d em

Si …. U can express yrself however u want on here… glow brings out the best in all of us…. There’s no judgment….so u be u my friend…🙏👍

Simon R.

I might be inclined to agree with the first two, but thinking there is no judgment is naive in my opinion. Wherever there is other people, there is judgement from them AND us. Whether we want to admit it or not, we judge people all the time. The question is HOW we judge and how we act on that judgement. And the other way around the important thing is how we are judged by the people that matter to us. For some that is more people, for others it’s very little. So it’s not a question of if we judge and are judged but rather how we judge and are judged by those we care about.


very pretty

Chris d em

That may be true in life…but in glows house…there is no judgment….just mutual respect that u and everyone else is here for the same reason…which makes us all equal …not out there …but in here…so in the context of how u are in here there is no judgment…and if u see a positive personal reply or a heart/like to a comment as her judgement…then that is the only judgment that matters in here and one I’m sure We are all happy to receive when we do …and if u agree she brings out the best in us then judgment doesn’t exist in here giving wot we know about glow and the type of person she is…u don’t need anyone’s permission to write anything in here my friend… cos no one is judging.. especially not glow…so just enjoy being the person u are free to be in here ….it’s all good 👍

Simon R.

The how completely depends on the person reading what was written. Some might agree and judge the words positively, another might judge it over the line towards a person I barely know and have never met. But no matter if positive or negative, people will read and people will have their thoughts and opinions and therefore judgement on the words. But more importantly I have to point out that I have never and will never write anything about feelings towards someone I don’t really know. I can compliment visuals and work and maybe even apparent personality traits, which I also try to do very sparingly, and I might say I’m glad to have stumbled onto the content and that it has helped me a lot, but I would never go so far as to write about feelings. Firstly because without really knowing someone the question comes to mind if the feelings are worth anything or just figments of a idealized person that might or might not exist in the capacity we imagine. Though we can, and should, appreciate Glow and the work she does, but writing about having feelings for someone requires a more intimate relationship than one a creator normally has with his/her followers. To conclude: yes I feel happy I found Glows content, yes I appreciate her as a person and think she is a very kind and thoughtful person what I can tell but those are thoughts not feelings that are connected to her as a person as opposed to her content. And until one builds a deeper relationship to someone (which in this case will never happen I reckon) that is how it will stay for me and that is how it should be I believe.

Chris d em

So how do think u are judged in here ? Cos I can’t see one bad judgmental reply or comment to yr stuff To make u possibly think for one minute yr words are being judged by anyone…why? Cos yr opinion is as valid as anyone else’s and U should never apologise for it or cast a pre-emptive judgment on yrself over appreciative and constructive comments u wish to express about her and her content…I mean …do you judge me by wot I write on here about glow based things..?

Simon R.

Judgement isn’t always necessarily bad. But yes I do feel like I might be judged negatively by some. I always do. Not necessarily by what is written but rather what might be thought. How the words might be interpreted. Ofc I think my opinion is valid, otherwise it wouldn’t be my opinion. But that doesn’t mean everyone agrees. Therefore carefully judging yourself before posting can help fitting in and not offending people I don’t wish to offend. And yes I do. I judge EVERYONE that writes or says something anywhere. If and whom I judge positively or negatively I mostly keep to myself though :)

Scott PDX

Thank you for not being part of the mass zombie mob of horrible fake blonde streaks, highlights, lowlights, balayage and all other forms of FAKE FAKE FAKENESS that encompasses nearly every woman under 40 in America.