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Hi everyone! If you feel like leaving me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month! ♥



Thought of another question; what’s a song that’s been on repeat for you recently? And if you’re looking into a possible suggestion for a new song, I would recommend “fall in love with you in every 4Am” by Friday Night Plans. Thank you for doing all our questions! ♥️

Scott PDX

Respectfully, why specifically do you completely hide your appearance? Were you stalked in the past? Security concerns because of your content? Afraid of too many people trying to date you from all over the country? Be as private as you need to be in your answer.


This is kind of a fashion question: How do you wish should your dream boyfriend/girlfriend to dress? I am just curious ;)) Hope you are doing well ❤️


What would you do if one day you suddenly became physically unable to do all of your favorite hobbies/activities? I injured my shoulder at work a few months ago. I can deal with the pain but for the next few months I will not be able to use my arm very much and am basically semi-handicapped until I get better. I have been very depressed lately because of this but your audios have been a great source of comfort for me, so thank you. More positive question: would you consider yourself more of a dog person or cat person?


What are 7 bucket list places you have to go? (Or things you have to do)


How was your birthday? Do anything fun? Did you partake in trying any alcoholic bevs? If you have what one(s)? Also not pushing you to drink to drink, but there are some great tasting cocktails out there that you might like just as a flavor profile. I love moscow mules and I have yet to taste a good one without the vodka in it, when I go out I get one just for the flavor of it, not to get drunk or tipsy on them.


When watching Bob Ross, out of these three what are your favorite? When he paints the happy little clouds, the happy little trees, or when he has a happy accident?


Who needs Boy Scouts when you have Afterglow ASMR camping audios? 😆 just kidding! I noticed your characters mentioned taste in 3 Exes/Enemies-to-lovers audios: Cotton candy on the ferris wheel, s’mores in a camping tent (one of my favorites btw), and most recently coco puffs in the kitchen. My question is: When will we get an apple pie recipe so we can TASTE it? 😤 (Happy Belated Birthday!)

Chris d em

Hello again glow… I was wondering if u had started to paint yr family home with yr mom yet..? And if so are u going to to paint a wall or at least part of one in a colour or a pattern that, although tasteful…you KNOW will bug the HELL out of uncle Chris when he comes round to annoy you at Christmas..? payback for all the years he’s come round and ruined YR Christmas …it would be the the perfect time for YOU to subtly ruin his with out him even knowing it..! Personally… I think u should..! Love u lots glow… happy belated birthday sweetheart…!🎂❤️X

Chris d em

Also how is piano learning going..? And how long before we get a patreon recital ..? And of corse how have you been feeling ok generally…? To do with those dizzy spells u were having…I have read that seeing a chiropractor can help with vagus nerve problems and also reflexology…I don’t know if u have tried those avenues but I thought I would mention them just in case u hadn’t…but as long as i know u are safe from harm and as well as can be then that is all the info I need.. glow… u are loved…by many…never forget that ok..? We are blessed..❤️🙏x

Gillian Lasser

Hey Glow how are you doing? My questions for this q&a are: 1) What is your dream car ? 2) have you ever traveled outside of America? 3) how was your April? Did you do anything fun ? 4) how does a day in your life look like ? 5) did you have a great birthday? Happy birthday Glow hope you are doing great 🎉❤️

Chris d em

glow..Just wondering…did u get the obligatory Number ‘21’ shaped like a big silver Chubb key with a red ribbon round tied round it for yr birthday …? 👍😃🎂🤗x

Scott B.

Happy birthday, Glow! (it’s still technically the 18th for you while I’m writing this) 🎉 Here are my questions for this month: 1.) What’s the best birthday gift you’ve ever gotten? 2.) How would you decorate your ideal birthday cake? Would you keep it simple or go full-on Cake Boss with it? 3.) If you could be a contestant on any game show, which one would it be? 4.) Besides Taylor Swift, which celebrity’s voice would you most want to have giving you directions on your phone when driving? Who would be the worst choice? 5.) Would you rather leave Cheeto residue on every surface you touch (even if you wear gloves), or only be able to communicate in Morse code? I hope you had an awesome birthday, and thanks as always for doing these! 🥂

Chris d em

Hey glow!...Remember to Get HULU...! 👍😂🙏x

Simon R.

I have a fun idea (for me at least) for another stupid project. But to do that I need one more piece of information: Would you mind sharing what color your eyes have? I know you don’t really want to do a face reveal, but that doesn’t give away too much right?^^

Simon R.

To your knowledge, who is the longest still active patron you have on here? And do you remember when that person joined?

Simon R.

You have been asked the following question before, but back then you didn’t know the correct answer. Let’s see if you know it now: What makes you you? What is it that sets you apart and makes you special? If you don’t know the answer ask anyone who has been around you a while and they will know. It’s time you get this one right 😉

Chris d em

Hey glow...! Ignore that last one...! You've already got Hulu by now..!😂❤️

Simon R.

Or red. You know since she’s probably a vampire 😂