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"Are you staying here because it’s your job to take care of me, or because you like taking care of me?" 💕

Art by vivianvalentinart!



Ottar á Boðanesi

Do you write all of your scripts or do you get them off Reddit?

Chris d em

Crazy Stalker…? Me? 😳…but i only want yr autograph…cos after all…I am yr biggest fan…😉🤓🤪x

Chris d em

‘And iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eeee iiiiiiiiiiiiii……willlllll alllllways lurrrrve yooooooo…oooooooooooo wooooo ohhhhh…and iiiiiii…..’ etc. 👍😊. Love u in this one glow…great script and perfect ‘after gig’ hotel scenario… cos certain hotels would feel like home after a few stays in them ….and after a while I imagine it would be easy to fall in love with someone willing to to protect u and keep u safe from harm every day…and u know u definitely could trust them and I bet that goes a long way in that situation …and in his/her defence (if I was yr bodyguard ) I imagine it would be VERY easy to fall in love with my client … if that client was you…😍🥰x as usual …. Fantastic audio glow ..we are blessed.🙏❤️X


Love this one Glow. The playfulness is super cute!!! Can't wait to what's next. Have a wonderful day🤗

Simon R.

Loved the audio, missed the singing 🤪

Simon R.

I believe that people who say something like that tend to be those that have the most beautiful singing voices. And I have often been proven right 😜


One step closer to the Christmas album


Your content is honestly a life changer, been going through really tough times but don't wanna get into much detail about it. Though being able to hear your soothing voice helps me relax and fall asleep giving me enough energy to keep pushing on and to keep going while I continue to work hard to move passed the rut I find myself in. I have very little belief that my mental state would be so great if I hadn't come across your content and I'm really appreciative of all the hardwork you put in.


Thank you SO much, you have no idea how much that means to me. Sending lots of love your way, I hope things just get better and better ❤️


Well I'm working towards it but hopefully I was able to make your day the same way you do mine. Everything is a lot easier with a smile.


love being able to end the work week with a new glow audio!

Chris d em

There she is….! popstar glow…! Ready to Give tay tay a run for her money and no mistake..!😍❤️X