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Under my umbrella ella ella




Beautiful picture :) But now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head for days :D

Chris d em

Your hair is beautiful…❤️


I agree, first thing I thought was "omigosh that hair! <3". Actually very cute get-up overall. Also, good girl for blurring out certain parts of the image. The security specialist part of me is proud of you!

Chris d em

It’s weird to think that…this really is a picture ….of the back side of the girl with the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard…and it is beautiful… now my mind races around trying to visualise wot the front looks like ….and I can’t do it cos of corse I’m not 100% sure… But one thing I AM sure of …whatever the front looks like….to me…it is … and will be ….beautiful..❤️🙏x

Chris d em

Does anyone think that the line of cement on the inside of glows leg makes it look like she’s holding a cane…?..🤔. Which, in my opinion, would make the perfect accessory to such a ‘chic’ but understated fashion statement…👍😎x

Chris d em

And if it is a cane I’m hoping to see this picture morphing into a short vid of glow doing the dance routine to singing in the rain..!😂👍x

Gillian Lasser

Very beautiful picture ❤


Eh eh eh eh


That’s the most beautiful umbrella I have ever seen haha


Awww you’re so cute under your little umbrella ella ella