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Reading a variety of short poems I found! This is just something to relax to



Some of those made me smile - some did weigh heavy on my heart. All of them were good, though, and your voice just made them better. Thank you =)

Chris d em

Thank you for this glow…it’s always a joy to hear yr beautiful voice recite the words of others…you bring words from the 2D…into the most vivid… immersive….3D real world I’ve ever imagined …And it is always a wonderfully blissful…comforting and loving place to be…and I always cherish my time there…for you are my centre of peace in this crazy world ..and I will always be grateful to you for that.. love you lots glow.. be well..god bless.. x❤️

Simon R.

Wow… some of these were really soothing and beautiful, while others were soulcrushingly relatable… I want to add one of the last kind: ,, Sometimes roads that once met have to unwind. Sometimes heartfelt hellos turn to bitter goodbyes. Sometimes you can just stand and watch someone you love go, because you can’t hold them. Because holding them would also mean holding them back. Years of love, years of friendship, years of affection; sometimes things that seemed to last forever just disappear at last and then it’s on us to watch the paths unwind to watch in disbelief and grief for the loss of something special to us. But then to also take the next steps, one after the other. Shakily at first, the steps will turn firm once more in time, if we have the courage to keep walking. And the memories, both blissful and painful, will stay with us forever. Reminding us of what once was and what might yet be. And thus our halting steps continue on our path.“


this was excellent, thank you for reading them. made the poems come o life.