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Talking about TV shows, what I've been up to & the scripts I'm working on! :)



Lost is my favorite TV show of all time and ER is my favorite medical show. So good. Good luck learning piano! I'd love to learn it too but the two hands thing would be hard lol


It might be cringy to use the word vibe, but i totally vibe with the whole quest ramble, Sounds like a good audio idea!🤣


One Tree Hil is one of my guilty pleasure shows. Did anyone recommend All of Us Are Dead? It's a great Korean show on Netflix about a zombie outbreak at a high school.


Sounds like you could find the adventure you’re looking for in The Secret of Monkey Island(tm)


Don't be discouraged about your previous experience at the gym! Just make sure you're going at your own pace and that you're staying hydrated AND fed. And remember that building strength is a marathon, not a sprint.


"You" is so good! season 2 was my favorite with that twist at the end

Ol Familiar

Honestly, rambles are some of my favorite things to listen to, so please keep them coming. Treasure hunts are a ton of fun, you’re definitely not alone in that, or in the feeling that the adventure is the point. You could always look in to the Geocaching activity! People stash little treasures and you can pull up maps to try to find them. I think the primary site is one of the first Google results. Between your fitness journey, your wrestling story, and half your name it seems like it would be criminal to not suggest the show GLOW on Netflix. It’s about a league of women wrestlers in the 80’s (Glorious Ladies Of Wrestling, literally). It’s very good and there’s only 3 seasons, and it’s loosely based on an actual league. In your past ramble you said you couldn’t get into D&D, but I’ve rarely encountered a writer who doesn’t enjoy roleplaying. If you’d be willing to give it another chance, I’d suggest Vampire the Masquerade, it tends to be more focused on the roleplaying and story aspect than the mechanics, and tends to be set in modern settings. Given your stories, I’m guessing that might be more appealing to you than high fantasy. LA by Night is a great YouTube series of people playing it, with one of the main designers behind the game running the game. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Scott B.

This is kind of a long shot, and I promise I'm not trying to go full WebMD and scare you here, but have you looked into POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) as a potential cause of your fainting and lightheadedness when exercising? It's a pretty common circulation disorder that most commonly affects women between ages 15 and 50, and is easily managed with lifestyle changes including increased fluid and sodium intake. The only reason I mention it is because what you described reminds me of a good friend of mine; she would frequently get tunnel vision and feel incredibly lightheaded when working out, despite the fact that she always stayed hydrated and ate breakfast before going to the gym. She found out she had POTS after doing a little more research and talking to her doctor, and now she's able to manage her condition effectively and enjoy working out again. I'd recommend looking into it and seeing whether the symptoms match up with what you've been experiencing (and, of course, talking to your doctor if you have concerns). Again, I'm totally not trying to scare you! I'm just going off of what you've told us in these audios and offering a possible lead. In any case, I'm all the way here for your fitness journey, AfterSWOLE :)

Chris d em

And You've got to get fit glow… cos You’ve GOT to find the treasure …! Otherwise…how u gonna save the goon docks..!👍😁


Oooo I love the sound of geocaching! And thank you so much for these recommendations! 💕


Yeah actually I was diagnosed with POTS when I was 12! I guess I didn’t mention it cause I wasn’t sure if anyone would know what that meant. I’ve just been hydrating and taking supplements for it but I’m gonna see what else I can do. Thank you so much!! ❤️


LMAO hope your fitness goes well I cannot wait to see CHAD GIGAGlow


neat trick to open pickle jars is to use a blunt object like the back of a knife and bonk the lid around and tadah