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Remember to dance around like a monkey and sleep like an opossum #BeYourself


Simon R.

Nine year old Glow spitting truths 🤪 Be yourself, no matter how crazy you are. As long as it doesn’t effect others negatively, it’s no one’s business who you are, what you do or how you look. Be yourself, accept each other and make each other feel accepted. A lesson Glow in her infinite wisdom learned very early and we should all integrate in our lives as well. #glowforpresident


Instructions unclear, I am now a part of a chimpanzee society and they only keep me around because I play dead after dancing like a maniac. Seriously though, these readings are awesome, and I feel like a kid again listening to them. I mean, I'm only 22, but the stuff in here reminds me of times when I could just let my imagination roam, and it makes me very happy.

M. Meyer

Have you been a fine young girl ever since the 31th of December 2011 ?