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Merry Christmas!! I love you all bunches and bunches and I’m so eternally grateful for you. You’re so so generous to support me & I will never be able to thank you enough. I hope you have a great day ❤️


Andy B

Merry Christmas dear! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Simon R.

Merry Christmas, fröhliche Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad, God Jul, Feliz Natal, メリークリスマス. Have a great Christmas how ever you choose to spend it 😊


Merry Christmas Glow! Thanks for all the amazing hours and hours of content you provide, enjoy the day with your family and take a needed break!

Chris d em

Just knowing u exist and that yr out there doing wot u do is enough for me…and it is my pleasure to help out in a small way … as it is a privilege and a joy to listen to the audio art u create with a voice that is heaven sent and brings happiness to my heart every time I hear it…u are a gift…and we are blessed…so thank you glow … have a great day ..lots of love to you and yr family… 🙏❤️🎄👍x


Merry Christmas


Happy Holidays Glow

Fuzion Gamer

We love you Afterglow!!! We are all blessed that you give us amazing content to listen to!!! I will always be subscribed to this channel. Merry Christmas and I wish you the best!

Chris d em

Merry Christmas everyone…! Hope yr all having a lovely day wherever u are in the world…❤️🙏🎄👍

Christopher Fejes

Merry Christmas to you too. We're just as grateful for you, as you are to us. You're scenarios and story telling allow some calm and fantasy to wind down to. I hope you make a bunch of cherished memories with your family and loved ones.

M. Meyer

Merry Christmas little one ❤️


Merry Christmas!