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Comment an audio suggestion and I'll choose one of the ideas to record! :)


M. Meyer

Okay last attempt I'll be back with rescue [Fallen in a cave] [You took the hit for me] [You are not a burden] [Stay awake, I'll be back] Context is you are with a group of people, trying to survive to whatever disaster you like. You are trying to prove your worth and go on a food and supplies mission by yourself. Listener is kind of the foretype of the group, gets shit done, provides for the group etc... You guys don't really get along, you're a bit cold to him. He saw you going out of camp and follows you from a distance. At some point you try to cross a gap in the woods and eventually get stuck. He comes to your rescue but the weight of the two of you make you fall into a cave. Listener took the hit for you and is now injured at the bottom of this dark cave. The sun is setting, the temperature is dropping. The cloudy sky doesn't let the moon's light through. Your only source of light is a lighter and a few laughters as you get to know each other and find out that you actually appreciate each other's presence. Lightning announces that it's gonna start pouring. You soon realize that the cave is filling with water. Listener gives you his coat and knife and wants you to save yourself. After a quick argument, you agree to leave and give him your lucky charm, but not without promising that you're gonna be back with help, and making him promise to stay alive until then. This could be enemies to friends or lovers, whatever you like better.

Simon R.

You and the listener meet randomly at any event of your choosing. You have never met, you are sure of that, but for some reason you get the feeling that you know everything about him… name, birthday, social security number, pin for his credit card, everything. You’re completely weirded out, but still decide to talk to him. Turns out, he knows everything about you as well… every tiny detail. What is happening? After processing together for a while you decide to get to the bottom of this mystery connection. Here there are two options to continue: either it’s just destiny, they are meant for each other and the search turns out fruitless, OR upon kissing for the first time a zap echoes through their minds and when they open their eyes again, they find themselves in a weird place that seems to defy all laws of physics (echoing voice or something that alters the sound). The place seems to be empty save for a small spec of darkness illuminating the light of the deepest night (yes the swap is intentional). The spec hovers above your head and a bit ahead and seems to want you to follow. After following it for a while, you stumble upon a cave where you find the remains of a figure, long lost to time. On the wall it is written: ,, Those that are meant to be, are meant to be. Only they may prevent what is to come, for only as one might they stay the end of all we know. Lips to lips, arms to arms, blood to blood. And once their bond is complete, so the world may once more be. As it was written: two is the balance and the balance is two. Never may they be separate again, for two is the price for all.“ It looks like madtalk, but after a while of hesitation they follow the instructions and as their blood meets a blinding light explodes and they are back where they started. They smile at each other knowingly, for they know all the other is thinking and as they clasp each other’s hand, smiling at each other, they feel the intensity of their feelings for one another as hot as the silvery mark on the back of their clasping hands, a mark of each other’s initials for ever marking them as each others. Is it obvious which option I would prefer? 🤣 Is this too crazy? 🤔

Christopher Abraham Luciano

Easy one for you. Knight and Princess traveling. Strangers to Friends. Princess isn't a damsel in distress and and resents the Knight for being asked to save her.


Suggestion: roommate subtly hints that she is into you


something along the lines of “ice skating for the first time with your ___”, at a public outdoor setting with some background music. can make the speaker teach the listener how to skate or vice versa, with playful banter from both sides. also if you’d like, you can include a confession/kiss when the characters realize its snowing for the first time (ive seen these a few times in korean dramas, and i think this can be a cute addition to the story!)

Chris d em

This is a great scenario for this time of year June ..! at the end the listener could maybe catch the girl in his arms and save her when she slips over on the ice nearly hitting her head on it.. witch leads to a close embrace and confession/kiss in the middle of the ice rink as it snows romantically around and over them…😊


glad you like it 🙂 i think your suggestion is quite fitting too!


Co-worker looses bet and has to go on a date with listener, but she actually ends up having a great time (because she has a secret crush on him. And she’s his crush). Sort of enemies to lovers, but not hard enemies. She’s a very confident girl and his competitor for a promotion so that creates conflict within her. Banter, teasing back and forth vibes ends with a confession. Great if the date was on a beachfront restaurant.


hero and villain. listener is hero, you are the supervillain convincing the hero to join her on the dark side. convincing him that its actually more of a Robin Hood thing, and that you are helping the people, and also that you are more fun.