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Christmas tree reveal! My dad hates Christmas trees for some reason (???) so I grew up with one of those 2 feet tall plastic ones. AND NOW I’M REBELLING




That looks awesome! I think my dad might have stolen some of the Christmas Tree cheer from your dad. We had one for the family, and he had a 2 foot one for his room.

Simon R.

Looks awesome 😊 I’ve always loved the Christmas trees we had especially since we are always old fashioned enough to have real candles all over it… And nothing screams merry Christmas more than the possibility of burning your house down xD But I’m guessing you’ll know why your dad was against it a couple days after Christmas. While a Christmas tree is always really beautiful to look at, cleaning up the needles later on is always a pain 😅

Richard Höger

Do you not put sweets on them?

M. Meyer

You go tell your dad that I said weird flex but OK 🤷‍♂️


Possibly the prettiest rebellion in human history


If I saw this in a movie I feel like I would react by thinking the set designers had made the tree unrealistically aesthetic


Most wholesome rebellion ever. I love it.

Max Diesel

I love the smell of pine trees. Reminds me of the northern pinewood Forests of Michigan. I could climb pine tree and just sit in it for hours


Looks great!


Sometimes plastic/fake candy! haha but no not really! I guess that's not as common in the U.S.?

Richard Höger

Im from europe Austria and we have little chocolate ornaments that look like santa or an angel or bells. And we hang them on the tree with the decoration and every time you pass by the tree you can search for something you like. The funny thing is we dont just hang them on the outside we really hang them evenly everyware so if there is nothing on the outside you want you really have to go into the tree and search between the branches :D Its also funny when the regular decoration looks like an ornament and youre like "idk if i can eat that or not :/" xD