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P.S. the world is ending

P.P.S. i burned my finger



I really hope you don't take that one comment too seriously. It sucks that someone felt the need to say that, but know that your stuff most definitely isn't the cause of that. It's probably just a troll being stupid because they can be. Anyhow, I'm really glad you're uploading stuff for us to listen to. I usually only listen to audios when I go to sleep whenever I don't have melatonin, and am out cold at the end of the audio. That's a good thing, btw.


Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Glow, thank you for all the wonderful audios you’ve done 🙏❤️ Take care of yourself and stay safe much love ✨


We need more conspiracy theories! lol I love listening to you talk about random things


You deleted audios!

Max Diesel

Try mustard on that finger burn. I work in a restaurant that burnt my hand several times. Mustard works every time


Glow, put out your mind right away what that individual had to say about, as you put it, the S word. Some people just cannot stand to see other people succeed, they have to try and tear them and their work down. Understand that your audios have nothing but a positive impact of those who understand and cherish them for what they are, feel good moments of joy intended to escape the listener into a short fantasy and warm their heart. You are incredibly talented and we all love what you deliver, never forget that for every comment you get there tons of people who are positively impacted by your content but are too shy or do not like to comment on such things. The band aid and story was a cuteness factor of 1000, sorry you burnt your finger though. The world ending, well, not to worry I got to hear your voice one more time before it does, so if it ends, so be it.


Dang Glow, burned then cut? That's crippling. Hats off to you for continuing to make great content. I would just lay in bed and cry all day.


Ignore the kind of negative comments like the one that you read in this audio. Always remember that for every 1 person that disliked your audios, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of us that greatly enjoy them.


🧡 the running away series. I would ask for some deleted audios but I'd want to ask for them all so I must suppress the big ask. Well maybe I'll ask for the original Flirty Ex Wants You Back that was so love it or hate it, because I definitely loved that

Max Van Orden

How come you don't record your kisses and then splice them in as needed. Maybe there is a significant other that would help you with this.

Simon R.

She could just ask a kid from her class… as long as he has a cool haircut 🤪 Props to those that know this reference 😋

Stephen Hughes

My birthday is the day before the end of the world. I better make it a good one.

Austin Kennedy

Nooo, my birthday is the day after the end of the world! Am I gonna rise from the dead for my 24th birthday or am I stuck being 23 forever? I hated being 23, worst year of my life and not just because it's gonna be the last. Oh well at least I am forewarned.