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Comment an audio suggestion and I'll choose one of the ideas to record! :)



A vampire roleplay where the speaker is like Dracula and the listener is like Renfield.

Simon R.

How about a scene, where the listener finds his/her crush in a haunted house, where she had to sit down because it got far too much for her and she can’t seem to muster up the courage to go forward or back alone. Like a reverse comfort kind of situation. Would fit the season AND be the first time I can feel like I‘m not the scared party in the equation 😂


A traveler who got injured from falling off the cliff gets rescued by Kumiho(nine tailed fox girl) After he wakes up he gets terrified knowing what she is, scared of getting eaten by her. But as they talk more he realizes she is just like him, someone with good heart and who has not found place to call home. So In the end he asks her to join him and they travel together.


How about something like a friends to lovers kind of thing where she thinks it's obvious the listener loves her but he is too shy to confess to her, so she tries to make him confess and she obviously loves him back. A bit complicated but I'd really love something like that😅

Max Diesel

19th century America preferably the Old West

Christopher Abraham Luciano

Friends to Lovers. Trip through haunted house leads to confessions from both parties


I was thinking something along the lines of girlfriend/childhood friend welcomes soldier home. Or even childhood friend confession right before soldier leaves.


Possessed girlfriend


Girlfriend sketching you, (listener) tries to look at the sketching, but girlfriend does let (listener). (listener) tried to distract the girlfriend (discretions could be: tickling, playing with the props, trying to eat the fruit props, throwing the props at the girlfriend and other things). Girlfriend wants you to sit still. Maybe girlfriend needs this for an art assignment from school.


Not quite sure how to format it, but I'm thinking a nice soldier reunion. They're coming back from a stint overseas, (or at sea for the navy folk), the significant other is very happy and loving for being reunited. Then things after a brief time almost get sour due to experiences away from home, and their partner feels the same way, as it's a struggle being apart and holding down home alone (unless children are involved). The pair discuss things after the partner discoverers that the service member is up very late at night, struggling with inner conflict and their experiences, and the partner helps soothe and calm them down, resolving all tension by softly explaining their hardships too, but that no matter what they're there for them, recommiting to each other, and united in supporting each other both for service and their relationship. I throw it out there as November has veteran's day. So even if not that above, I'm throwing out a veteran appreciation spin on an audio. No matter what though, I know it'll be awesome.

M. Meyer

I'll be back with rescue [Fallen in a cave] [You took the hit for me] [You are not a burden] [Stay awake, I'll be back] Context is you are with a group of people, trying to survive to whatever disaster you like. You are trying to prove your worth and go on a food and supplies mission by yourself. Listener is kind of the foretype of the group, gets shit done, provides for the group etc... You guys don't really get along, you're a bit cold to him. He saw you going out of camp and follows you from a distance. At some point you try to cross a gap in the woods and eventually get stuck. He comes to your rescue but the weight of the two of you make you fall into a cave. Listener took the hit for you and is now injured at the bottom of this dark cave. The sun is setting, the temperature is dropping. The cloudy sky doesn't let the moon's light through. Your only source of light is a lighter and a few laughters as you get to know each other and find out that you actually appreciate each other's presence. Lightning announces that it's gonna start pouring. You soon realize that the cave is filling with water. Listener gives you his jacket and knife and wants you to save yourself. After a quick argument, you agree to leave and give him your lucky charm, but not without promising that you're gonna be back with help, and making him promise to stay alive until then. This could be enemies to friends or lovers, whatever you like better.