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You wake up one night to find a ghost laying next to you... 




Dang what a twist, nice job


Wait I’m confused lol, so the listener is a mental patient but how is the nurse related to the ghost?


So the listener is actually a patient so they imagine that the nurse is part of their hallucinations, they dream of having a relationship with them.

Emperor Nemean

So let me get this straight: - Listener is actually an asylum patient - Ghost girl is actually nurse at the end - Listener fantasizes about nurse - Listener is also a pyromaniac


That was amazing, the twist back on itself was too cool, love it Glow, amazing stuff!!


My mind has been blown

Chris B

There will be a part two, right????? Interesting one Glow.


I think I get it but meeeeeh idk


The audio storytelling is spot on. We’re seeing a ghost whose been through an unfortunate death, then near the end, we hear and see her life before and potentially seeing how the listener is connected. This is a great story, in terms of interacting with a beautiful spirit with an amazing voice and giving us an well made mystery. Great way to start the Halloween tradition. Keep up the great work and stay safe. Note: this was my comment from my YouTube response, though it feels just as important to say it here

Chase Garcia

Me if a ghost started talking to me: 📸


wtf this is some Kubrick shit fr

Russell H.

Oh man that ending had me wondering a lot of things. Well done.