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Hi everyone! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment them below and I'll answer them at the end of the month!



If you could listen to only one artist or band or musician for the rest of your life, who would it be? - twist being, you can listen to anything that they are featured on as well, or if someone from the original group leaves for a solo project or another group. You can continue listening to the solo project/new group as long as they are a part of that group as well. *edit: my pick (as making additional lines on mobile sucks) Jonathan Young, insane range of voice as well as music genres, and he features with so many others


Favorite form of water (for example rain drops trailing on the window of vehicles, ice, rivers, waves, oceans, lakes, ripples, mist, etc) is your favorite? Favorite and least favorite season? Favorite fall activity like apple picking, pumpkin picking, Halloween ( trick or treating/ setting up for Halloween) leave piles and jumping in them, Thanksgiving , the pumpkin spice drinks, etc? At a movie theater which arm rest do you use? Also in your opinion, best place to sit in a movie theater? Would you rather never hear music or lose the ability to read? Would you rather never knock into anything ever again or never trip over anything again? Celebrity crush both for male and female? If you were a dog/ cat breed, which breed would it be? What is your favorite thing about someone in your family? What is something weird or maybe not weird that you’d encourage us your listeners to do or try?


Sorry I'm a bit late for the question session, I had a long busy weekend. So, I think the norm (and thankfully you like it) is my daughter's got questions for you. (This is the transcription from a paper she wrote on, edited my me) Miss Afterglow, Hi. You said small fairy & hidden, last month for your answer. If a little kid like me, happened to find you or you appeared because of a serious situation, and since you're nice and I'm nice, would we become friends? My other question is, if you were a little girl like me, what would be your Halloween costume for this year? She has a follow-up question: Would you like to know what I went as? (At posting, she hasn't decided) My question: It's no secret I'm a veteran. I'm proud of it. Next month has Armistice/Veterans' Day, and I'm just curious if you're aware, and speaking only for myself here, that my post traumatic stress from combat has greatly improved since having listened to your work, that it greatly helps for ptsd? More broadly, does it come to mind that there are those of us that greatly value and appreciate and love your work? That it becomes a sort of end of day brain relaxation medicine? You can answer these all as one, as I know it's an overwhelming one, sorry. I no longer need ptsd meds as a daily intake, so for me, I'm forever grateful in addition to being a fan. So thank you. PoShizzle fun fact: Recipient of 3 different NATO medals, each of which I value more over the US equivalent. Silly question: puppy or kitten?

Simon R.

If you had the power to heal any illness or injury a person had, but you could only relocate anything you heal to someone else (excluding yourself) not get rid of it entirely, would you use it? Under what circumstances?

Jared Janzen

When playing rock, paper, scissors do you play on "go/shoot" or "Scissors"?

Gillian Lasser

What is your favorite song right now btw love your videos and your voice


Probably late for this question, I'm enjoying the remakes, however, how far back does one need to go to find the originals? Probably silly to have asked, cause by the time you answer, I might have found it, anyway, figured to ask just incase.

Simon R.

Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid? Do you still have it? Oh and is it weird to still have the stuffed animal you’ve gotten at your baptism sleep with you in your bed at the age of 26? Asking for a friend 🤔


Scary questions for spooky season: What's the last scary movie you watched? Was there a scary movie that gave you nightmares when you were younger? If you had to be the final girl in a horror franchise, which one would you choose? You're running from a serial killer and you have to choose to either run up the stairs or out the front door, which one do you choose? If you had to use voodoo to transfer your soul into a doll or toy like Chucky in Child's Play, what would you choose? Have you ever purposefully scared someone? Do you have a favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid? Two trains are driving towards one another.  Train A leaves the station at 5PM going 50 MPH. The second train leaves the sta--BOO! How bad did I scare you? RIP, you just got spooked to death.


Assuming you have listened already by the time you answer questions how was the new Taylor album and which song is your favorite off of it


Have you ever had any paranormal or spooky experiences? What is the least popular artist/band you listen to?