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Hey guys! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment them below and I'll answer them at the end of the month!



If you could be friends with any fictional character from a book or movie who would you choose , what language would you love to learn and master , do you play any sports


Ok. So, last month my daughter got in on the question, and this month is no different, so she's going first. I'm letting her type, and promised not to change anything. (Be gentle, she's young.) Miss Afterglow, If you want to be a fairy, what kind would you be? Would you be like the one in Cinderella, or like Tinker Bell? Would you be seen by others or remain hidden or only seen by that one special person? Would you have wings, and what kind (like a butterfly or transparent/white, silver-ish)? A fairy with natural youth beauty or make-up? (Don't tell her, but I went in and edited a little bit.) Mine is just a tad on the more selfish side. I took your answer from a bit ago. (Reminder, I asked how to get into script writing) You gave me such a descriptive answer, and I ran with it. As such, if I fine tune it, would you either give it a look or consideration? Another curious question, since I'm a Patreon of both yourself and Peaches 🍑, would you like me to, or hate me if I, put a bug in her ear to collab with you? Off topic: College football and the NFL are coming up, do you have a team(s) for each, if you follow? If not football, what sport(s) do you follow, and who do you root for? PoShizzle fun fact: I don't like melon fruits. Love and can't get enough of peppers, especially jalapeños. I like how as a vegetable, it tastes. I'm the only one in my family that is like this. I'll probably ask more, but to make sure, cause I'm silly, that you read my fun facts: silly question: silver or gold?


OK I can't frame the question I was going to ask well enough as it is complex so a simply curiosity, if you could have a conversation with anyone from history, who would it be and what topic would you chose.


If you met someone who had never watched any TV in their life , what movies and/or tv shows would you recommend ?


Do you think time travel already exists


As someone who lives in NY, though never been to NYC, is there anywhere else in the state if New York you’d like to visit? I remember you saying you’d like to visit the city in another q&a which inspired this question.

Jared Janzen

Shrek 1 or Shrek 2?


Would you rather be the heart breaker or heartbroken? Would you rather see what happens 5 minutes before or 5 minutes after each photo taken? (Kinda like reliving it) How did you spend your weekends when growing up as a kid? What’s one book you wish you could read for the first time again? Favorite series? ( can be tv show or book) Sunrises or sunsets? Who are you most comfortable around? What are your current 5 favorite songs? If you could relive one day of your life, which day and why? I think I asked enough questions
 hope you had a great day/ night. Also your voice is like super amazing. I could literally just listen to you read anything.


Do you name your plants? I recently got some houseplants, and I have a Snake Plant called Plantaconda, a Dumb Cane named Candy, and Mikus the Ficus. Do you still have the script for your Disney Princess camp skit? If so, will you read it for us? How would you introduce yourself to a cute girl who you sometimes see walking her dog? Would it be a good idea to smear bacon grease all over myself like it's body butter to trick her into thinking her dog just really likes me? Asking for a friend. If someone ends a question with "Asking for a friend", is it obvious they're asking for themselves? Asking for an acquaintance.