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You're minding your own business at a party when your ex-girlfriend suddenly appears, wanting to get back together

This is a remake of one of my older audios but there are some plot differences and I changed like 50% of the script lol

Love ya ♥

Music by RYYZN 




Please make part 2s to some of these, this is amazing. I haven’t been able to sleep in over 6 years, but I finally slept like a baby last night.


Perfect timing Glow I was just looking for something to listen to.


Do I wait? Do I listen now? AGHGAHAGJ!!! How am I supposed to wait to listen to something I know will be sooo perfect?!! 🥰 (And update time! I’m now sooo here for Rebekah and Matt. Maybe as much as Klaus and Caroline 👀)


I like Rebekah. And I want her to find happiness with Matt 🥺🥺


Danggg, I watched the series once but I'm a little before this on the second round and I had no inkling of Rebekah and Matt, clearly I must continue watching I like them both quite a bit but Rebekah's kind of a favourite for me


Speaking of controversial characters I'm off to jam to the original Flirty Ex-Girlfriend


Yeah Rebekah's become a top 3 character for me. Along with Elijah and Caroline.


well somehow I managed to wait until I was going to sleep... and wow was it worth it for something this exceptional! Flawless Miss Glow, simply flawless. You really are very talented, please know that 🥺 (You do know that, right?)


fair - just shocked to find someone that actually likes matt lol…. rebekah is badass

Trevor M

In The Originals you really get to understand Rebekah more and feel more empathy to her story as a whole. To me she’s such an interesting character. There’s a lot that are really good but she’s definitely up there in the top few. Her motivations through the whole franchise are just so fundamentally simple it’s also so complex because of the family history.

Trevor M

It really bums me out that some of these end so rapidly because they leave so much open in terms of dialogue. As much as I do love them there’s so many gems in terms of the ideas behind these. I know a lot of work goes into making these. It really inspires me and makes me want to pick writing back up again.


yay new audio, always makes my day

Christopher Abraham Luciano

The original version of this audio is still one of my favorites of yours. This one is very good as well.


Tysm for this comment cause it made me realize there IS more dialogue I could throw in so I just recorded & edited in 4 more minutes of audio lol


can't wait to get to the originals! What about Legacies, is that any good?


it’s alright it’s just a continuation of a story that you’ll soon learn about in tvd

Trevor M

For the originals there’s an episode that crosses over and that’s when you would have to watch them both to get the full pictures. Watching the originals after be a disservice cuz you’d just be left with half the story. But legacies takes place after both shows. I think TVD s5ep1 then The originals S1ep1&2 then TVD S5ep2 etc. is the correct starting order for watching simultaneously and having everything line up correctly.


Fantastic! Thank you! I’m heading towards the end of season 4, so I’m looking forward to starting the Originals soon!

Trevor M

It made perfect sense to me. If it makes you feel better it took me like 15-20 minutes to write those 4 sentences. But I’m glad that I could help in some way. :)


Exes? Not relatable 😎