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Simon R.

Also is there any news on the sequel to popular girl asks you for a favor? Asking for a friend 🤪


Marsh getting called by his Discord shortened name was pretty sweet!

Niels van Blitterswijk

Your voice is so gosh darn relaxing, I could listen to it all day long!

Simon R.

Our Star in the Darkness The saying goes: where there’s darkness there’s light, There’s always the stars, that brighten the night. And if melancholy strikes and makes me despair, I can always count on someone to be there.

Sir Michaelangelo III

Though you don’t really know me, and I don’t know you, You manage so much good with the things that you do. You lift hearts and spirits with the power of your voice, Steer me away from my darkness and grant me a choice.

Simon R.

I sometimes feel down, but the soft spoken words lift me up, This maddening feeling of loneliness will suddenly stop. For a couple of minutes I forget all the stress, And my heart and my soul for a moment find rest.


Words can’t express how lucky we are, In darkness and worry, to have our own little star, A star upon which to wish broken hearts healed, With this star in the world, we know wishes become real,


Glow please know you make everything better, With a word, with a phrase, with a picture or a letter. You shine in a darkness I always thought to dark to pierce, But against all the sadness, the pain, your voice shines so fierce.


Take this as a thanks for all that you do, It’s just something small, but may it please you, Whatever we do, it can never compare, But like this at least our admiration we share,


May this for you be a flicker of light, That can warm your heart in the dark of the night. If sadness ever hits just remember and know, There are a lot of us out there that cherish you Glow.


AW SO THIS IS THE THING YOU WERE PLANNING ❤️ Thank you so much Simon, you're too kind

Simon R.

Yeah 😊 I‘m glad you like it. I thought it would be a better way to show our appreciation than the ,,regular“ you/your audios are amazing, which tends to get repetitive. Luckily I found a couple of nice people to join in. Thanks again to all that helped 😊