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Thanks so much for leaving me questions! :)



I don't listen to podcasts, but if you did something like that, but dang I'd absolutely start if you did something like that. Also, homeschool gang! I feel ya with the whole kids question. Having friends and stuff getting married feels really weird. It makes me feel like I'm older than I am and that I'm missing out on something lmao

Simon R.

Last comment I promise: if you want a sad ending audio, where no one expects a part two, you could just have one of the characters die. Like a terminal illness type of deal where you play the role of the one dying or the one staying behind and tell them everything you always wanted them to hear, before the audio ends with a long beep (maybe have the beeping heartmonitor in the background the whole time or something). I think it can’t really get more heartwrenching than that and I don’t think anyone would really expect a part two 🤷🏻‍♂️

M. Meyer

The question is not "chocolate bread or chocolate", but I'll give you a chance to redeem soon enough. Until then, I'll cry in french


And, I can now say I've watched episode 1 of Vampire Diaries! Do I keep watching???


I think in America it's neither pain au chocolat nor chocolatine, simply 'Chocolate Croissant'.

Trevor M

Absolutely!! It’s such a journey. And the spin off “The Originals” is really good too.


It's morbin time 😎


The morbin time thing is from the movie Morbius which is weird cause they never actually say it in the movie. Basically its memeing the movie


You put all that work into the pancakes audio and you deleted it ☠️☠️☠️ what


wow she’s not into avatar 🚹💔


Ahhh, you have a balcony! I was in a 'guys' apartment with one for a few years and we put out mattresses to sleep on sometimes and once held a campfire cookout. I used so much bleach trying to get the burn marks off the concrete that it started dissolving and I gave up Writing scripts out on the balcony sounds so peak ...Roadtrip is so in the immersive world audio category, makes me think of Rebellious Girl #1

Max Diesel

I feel the same way about any future family watching my friends grow up and I still feel like I'd be a horrible husband/father I've always been the fun crazy uncle of my friend group