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This month's exclusive audio for the Glisten tier and up! Thank you GreyMonaghan for this idea! If anyone would like to make a request for next month's audio, comment an idea on this post and I'll pick one of the ideas to record :)


Dude Guy

Love this. So cozy and warm :)


Am I awake at 4:30am to listen to this? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely.


Oh my gosh Glow! That was absolutely incredible! I will write a better comment when I’m not half asleep, but all I can say for now is: you absolute star ⭐️! I’m amazed you chose my (albeit pretty lame) idea, and somehow turned it into something truly magical! I can’t put into words how perfect this is and how wonderfully talented you are 🥰🥰🥰 I can’t speak for others, but I certainly don’t deserve you and your audios in my life! Angelic! You and the audio ⭐️🥰


just what I needed right now. This is so good

Kiko Raterta

That was so sweet and wholesome :) even though I had to listen to it twice cause I fell asleep before the confession 😂 ngl. Not only did I have a smile on my face, it actually made my heart skip a beat. This was such a nice heart-warming audio. And I love you too ❤ Platonically (I'm not good at lying either).

Simon R.

That was so beautiful… Like I can’t even… I‘m literally at a loss for words. And I‘m usually the guy that everyone tells that I talk to much… This was just immersive beyond anything and the script couldn’t have been more beautiful. You are just incredible.


There are so many absolute gems in this audio - every single line is just... I genuinely cannot find the words to describe it - it is THAT PERFECT. 'Cutie. I love you so much' made my heart flutter ☺️ I really hope it doesn't sound too vain, but this might just be my new favourite, and might just be the best 12 minutes 40 seconds in history. ⭐️🥰


Very wonderful audio. Loved it!!

Chris B

It must be an amazing feeling to have that level of connection with someone. Strikingly beautiful, in its heart felt sincerity and a exemplary example of pure innocent love in all its guises. It's all so sad that he doesn't know or can't see her as more. Also that she can't bring herself to tell him/her. Thank you,


This may just be my favourite work of fiction in the world. On nights like tonight, where anxiety keeps me awake, where nothing can comfort me... this does. This puts me to sleep smiling, during a time where I never thought I would smile. If only it were real ☺️ Thank you, you truly wonderful, talented, inspirational star.