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Background music: https://youtu.be/82ZtUypY3fA



hearing you read comments might just be my favourite part of the week 🥰 and I do get a little excited whenever you read out my username (and a little nervous too, mostly cos my comments are lame) ☺️ Hope you have a great rest of your week Glow, and the same to every single one of your Patrons.


Honestly I'm glad I am part of the patreon since you plugged it on youtube. Legit feels like there's a platonic relationship with the whole community. I love this vibe here.


the jedi comment T-T

Simon R.

I can’t believe you never thought your audios would impact people O.o I just recently read from someone on Discord that it literally helped with his suicide thoughts. I personally luckily am not endangered in that direction, but I can still without a doubt say that I am so much more at peace with the mess that is my life since I can find joy in escaping reality once in a while to the serenity that is your audios. It’s not only an impact, it’s all the difference for some life saving for some life changing. NEVER underestimate the impact you have. It’s greater than you know and (you’ll have to excuse me for getting repetitive) thank you for your audios. They really are a game changer and I bet I‘m not the only one that feels that way.


@Simon R.☝️truths!! I hope that the person on discord is coping well and I wish them as much happiness as I can. But I know from experience how much of an effect Glow can have on someone. I won't bore y'all with the details, but from the age of 16 I've suffered with crippling anxiety and depression which manifested themselves in a pretty heavy OCD diagnosis. But ever since find Glow's channel, life is somehow easier. I don't know how she does it, but she is a ⭐️. I listen to Glow's voice and my anxiety eases and my OCD tics fade away - and that amazes me. I've NEVER met someone in real life who can have that kind effect on me (and I'm pretty sure I never will 😞), but having the comfort of Glow's Patreon is like I'm now always 1up vs my mental health. I know that probably sounds super weird and it certainly feels too good to be true - trust me, I never expected any one person's voice to help me like that, and it kinda shocks me still ☺️ I'll stop gushing now (mostly because I've never really spoken about this before, and I'm kinda self conscious), but what I was trying to say is that Simon R. is absolutely correct! Wonderful comment and (as I've just demonstrated), I couldn't put it better myself ☺️

Simon R.

I have to disagree. Everyone has their own story, but the one thing that connects us (and probably at least some of the others) is that whatever haunts us fades away when we get to submerge ourselves into the beauty that is Glows audios. Therefore no one can say it better or worse it’s each an individual story and it led each of us here 😊


What in the dear sweet baby Jesus was that comment???? I normally hang on every word but I was confused as hell just listening to that lol And YES! I made the comments again!!! You didn't say "No" to the Stranger Things RP audio ;)


Did my ears bleed listening to that comment? Yes. Did I also enjoy listening to you read it? Also yes. I swear most of the audios could definitely be an actual story.


Probably took me a bit to long to realize you weren’t still reading the comment when you started talking about your fridge.


I'm pretty sure THAT comment was like an ancient spell and reading aloud has just unleashed some ASMR god... cos I've got no ideas otherwise.


What videos are these comments from? And which ones do you decide to read