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Hi everyone! I have really exciting news: I just got my first ever apartment! Thank you so so much for making this possible for me. I can't even begin to explain how much your support has helped me & how endlessly grateful I am. I wish I could give you all a huge hug right now but I can't so instead I will just say thank you thank you thank you. YouTube is officially my full time job now, which I never in a million years dreamed of --  it's all so surreal and I sort of can't even process it ok sorry I'm gonna stop gushing now

P.S. I love you, mwah



Congratz Glow! I found you like a month ago and I have been listening to your content ever since! It honestly gives me a good vibe and made me feel very wholesome especially while I'm at work. I hope you enjoy your new place and I'll always support you!

Max Diesel

Congratulations I just got mine February of this year and it's one of the most exciting thing in the he world enjoy the freedom, peace and quiet.




And breaking 1K patrons? Achievement Unlocked. Let's fucking go!




you deserve this - congratulations


Huge congratulations to you, all the hard work you have been putting in clearly paid off and I think I speak for everyone when I say we are happy t have been able to help in whatever small way we could because we love you too :)


Congrats! Being able to have a place of your own is a very freeing thing.


So happy for you. I haven’t been around long to know much but you deserve it! Glad your dreams are coming true!