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I’m thinking of making more parts to these on Patreon! Which should I make first? Both are gonna have love triangles  and high drama, I’m excited lol



First one would be more hype Second one would be more fun

Kiko Raterta

Idk why but the second one gives me those vibes from that collab Glow did with EndearinAudio. It's like a continuation lol the listener realized his feelings slowly developed for Glow

M. Meyer

You misspelled 'popular girl asks you for a favor', I think that's what you meant


Sweet! Love triangles are my favorite part of love geometry!

Kiko Raterta

Yup. This summer is gonna be EPIC (^-^) silent protagonist has a lot coming their way 😆

Dude Guy

Either way it’s gonna be an amazing audio, cause let’s be honest……. It’s Glow 👌🏻👌🏻


Does the second option lead to more collabs with Endearin' Audio?


How is anyone supposed to choose one over the other??? Wait!!! I have an idea..... So Glow.... which of these ideas do you find more interesting? *nailed it*


An audio based around carpooling could be cool, if not necessarily a sequel to this one. Idk. Maybe several time skips (say, over a year?) as they go from casual work acquaintances to best friends, then lovers. Although that reminds me of a great UK show called Car Share. I’ve said it before: I’m terrible at ideas. And most other things in life tbh ☺️

Kiko Raterta

Ikr?! It's an audio we're all hyped for to be continued 😄 As a fan of Glow, I wanted to try a spin of it. Voicing the silent protagonist's POV. This is also a tribute to Glow, for inspiring me to try ASMR in the first place (^-^): https://youtu.be/6CYxsmR4Dsw


I would never do that! You've already proven that you can't lose at Uno. You seem to be dead set on getting a game of Monopoly in though at some point. Are you as cutthroat at that game?


Woah, woah. What’s this about monopoly? This is the first I’ve heard and it’s alerted my over-competitiveness 👀


Both sound like great ideas for a series!