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She sees you stumbling around drunk at a party and decides it's her responsibility to take care of your cute self 💕

Art by: Sam Yang (https://linktr.ee/samdoesarts)

Music by RYYZN:



Ryan Liechty

I love the audios related to caregiving because it makes me feel cared for and that someone wants me to be doing ok!! Thanks for this amazing audio, glow, love this one!!


I wholeheartedly 100% agree with your comment!! Also, I am just be a random stranger on the web that doesnt know you, but I truly hope that you find that care you are looking for in life and I hope you are - and will continue to be ok (or better than ok)! Best wishes bro!!


Such a creative ending

M. Meyer

Such a unique idea of an audio. If you ever get to write a book, make sure you tell me, even if it's in ten years because I definitely want to read it.


I remember after a 16hr shift, my coworkers and I went for a drink after a long day. This kind of bar didn’t have any food which didn’t help, I drank on an empty stomach. I’m also not much of a drinker, after one tall cup of beer I could not focus and my coworker guided me to a place where I could puke a few times. I realized I couldn’t drive home, that same coworker without hesitation volunteered to take me home without me saying anything, he was supportive about it and he always reassured me that it wasn’t a problem for him. He also took me back to my car the next day. All I remember was how thankful I was for his help, I didn’t ask for help, but I sure was glad that I can feel safe and trust in him. You reminded me of this feeling Glow of feeling safe in a vulnerable state, honestly this audio rings a lot of truth to it, really nailed it. :)


Thank you so much Keane!! That's so sweet <3 Your co-worker sounds like a great person, the world could definitely use more people like that :)


I actually did try sleeping on my motorcycle once. To be fair I was parked, and the bike was off, but it still didn’t end very well.