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Hi everyone! If you want to ask me anything for my December Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of this month! ♥



1. How is learning to drive going? Is there anything you're worried about or struggling with? 2. Which one of your characters are you most like? 3. If you could be any kind of bear, which kind would you be?


What's the best Christmas present you ever got?/ what do you think is the best Christmas present you've ever given to someone else?

M. Meyer

Are you more of a big city, medium city or small town girl ?

M. Meyer

Do you sleep on your side, belly or back ?

M. Meyer

What's a nickname that your family or friends call you ?


If you use Spotify, how did your year Wrapped look?


On a whim you go to a medium for a tarot card reading. Near the end she says that a spirit is present and has given you an opportunity for a book or other kind of story of your choice to have a sequel or continuation, at the price of allowing the spirit to cast a small spell of mischief on your life You accept Question: What book or movie, etc do you chose for there to be a sequel to? After this the medium goes silent for a moment and then gets an amused look on her face. She says: "The spirit has cursed you to become a lifelong fan of the Canadian Football League. This spell may strike you at any time in your life. Thank you so much for coming today, this has been a truly unique experience for me" Question: Knowing that you are cursed to become a CFL fan, do you immediately check out the teams and watch a few games or do you wait for the spell to strike, if it ever really does?


Is this from a book or tv show - or did you think this story up? Im genuinely curious lol!

M. Meyer

I'm incapable of making decent pancakes, would you be kind enough to share your recipe with me ?


Which cryptid do you think is most likely to be real?


A Few Questions for Afterglow – The Holiday Edition! 1. What holidays do you celebrate every year? - Not only the winter holidays, but also year-round? 2. Do you have any special traditions you do for any of the holidays that you really enjoy doing? 3. This question is one for the future. What is something that you want to pass on to your family and/or those you want to have an impact on? What legacy do you want to leave behind? 4. My Last and Final Question is – what makes you… you Afterglow? What makes you special, unique, and different from everyone else in the world. What defines who you truly are?