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Hey everyone!

Each month I'll be making a Q&A audio, so drop below any questions you might have! Ask as many as you'd like. :)



A few questions for Afterglow - July Edition! 1. If you could have any one wish in the world what would you choose? 2. What is your favorite song by Taylor Swift, and what are some of your favorite songs by other artists? 3. What is your favorite season of the year and why? 4. What is one thing you have always wanted to say or be asked – to/by someone or in general, but no one has asked you? 5. If you could live any place/any era in history, where would you go and why? What would you do there? 6. Are there any skills/hobbies you want to learn someday, or are currently in the process of learning?


What is your favourite colour, favourite movie and astrological sign? Would you go out into a pouring thunderstorm with a group of friends on a dare?


If you had to give advice to someone about anything, what would be the advice? What is your favorite hobby?


1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 2. What really makes you angry? 3. Do you like superheroes? If yes, Marvel or DC? Have a nice day :)