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You and your new girlfriend are having a picnic when suddenly everything starts going wrong. And even though it's awful, you both still have a great time because you have each other. ♡

Art by Vivian Valentin



Simon R.

My headcanon for the sweetest thing that was ever said to her: ,, It doesn’t matter. Not if it rains, not if pies are destroyed or bees are causing riots. What makes a date perfect is you being there with me. That’s all I need to be happy. That’s all I need to laugh and smile. Because what makes me happy isn’t any weather or object or circumstance. The only time I’m truly, blissfully happy is when I’m with you.“


I love how everting got "worse" and she kept trying to make things right and it just kept getting "worse" I love the chaos The right person can make a gloomy look like a sunny day, It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters who you do it with. Very sweet audio glow 🥰

Very Hungry Caterpillar

Personally I would love a first date to be a picnic date!! 🐛❤️


Loved that one so much, the thought of no matter how many things go wrong each other’s company is enough to make it a great date is soooo romantic :)