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Ice cream! What’s your all-time favorite flavor? (My arms are camouflaged, look)



Pizzazz 🌎 💫 (AKA KING VAMP 🧛🏽🩸) (edited)

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2024-06-05 04:58:43 I bought a whole tub of hagen daaz dulce de leche and not even a week goes by of it being unopened n come to find out my brother ate all of it. It’s been 5 days since then and I’m still upset ab it😐
2024-05-07 13:26:49 I bought a whole tub of hagen daaz dulce de leche and not even a week goes by of it being unopened n come to find out my brother ate all of it. It’s been 5 days since then and I’m still upset ab it😐

I bought a whole tub of hagen daaz dulce de leche and not even a week goes by of it being unopened n come to find out my brother ate all of it. It’s been 5 days since then and I’m still upset ab it😐

Caleb Anderson

Americone dream is the best BnJ flavored hands down!