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Hello everyone, hope you're doing well.

Throughout my content creation journey, I realized that writing is my happy place, which leads me to the primary reason for this post. This post is less about writing and more of a vent. I don't know if I'll keep this up, but I thought it would be worth sharing.

I am on the cusp of burnout. If you don't know, I'm a full time university student while simultaneously working on content stuff and chasing a corporate career. This summer, rather than taking a break and only working on one thing at a time, I was doing an internship. I made the unfortunate mistake of not taking a longer break before I started school again and I'm paying for it now.

I MAJORLY overestimated my abilities and it has taken a toll on my physical health. I feel my body breaking down due to the stress. I'm not too worried about the emotional toll that it has taken on me, due to me being in therapy and fully believing that I will figure it out, but that doesn't mean that this isn't cause for concern.

I'm tired. I need a break. If I'm not working on school, I'm working on content, or I'm trying to prep for content. If I was only focusing on one thing at a time, I would have more than enough time to take care of myself, but I don't. 

I feel as if I'm spoiled for complaining. I'm deeply grateful for having the opportunities I do. I'm afforded the opportunity to receive a college education and the opportunity to make money off of something I truly love and am passionate about. It feels so wrong to be tired due to chances that other people would give everything they have for, but I'm not going to pretend to be okay.

I suppose this is why I've stopped working on any extraneous writing pieces that don't relate to the channel. I just don't have the time. I don't have the time, nor can I spare the energy to work on other things. My have to split my attention between school and content and it unfortunately is exhausting. I'm trying my best to keep a positive mindset, but today has been especially hard.

I don't know what the lesson of this post should be. I suppose I'm just releasing some stress by writing this. I guess the one thing I want you to take away from this post is to not overestimate your abilities. On paper, things may seem straight forward, but in practice it may not be the case. Your health is more important than your ego.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Out of all the posts I've made this year, I think this is the rawest. I also want to make clear that I didn't make this post to mitigate the commitment I made to you all. I just needed to get this off my chest.

Take care and I'll see you soon <3



I understand exactly what your talking about as I have been writing my own book while also doing school,work and looking for an internship. And its caused my results in all of them to drop. Hopefully you can find a solution to what your going through and always remeber to take care of yourself first even if it means taking breaks from certain things.


I hope that you'll figure things out soon and without needing to sacrifice anything. If you need to then please take a break, your health is number 1 priority. From my experience of stress and horrible time management, Education, school etc. won't always be there but my hobbies will and if my passion for my hobbies are strong then my passion for it will only grow more and I'll have something to look forward to in the end. Just know that we'll always be here to support you and your decisions and if a break is what you need then we'll be here for you when you get back. (If none of this made sense then I apologize. I just wanted you to know you're not alone ❤️)


This may not sound like much coming from me, but I very much relate to this post on an incredibly deep level. Most people experience burnout every now and again, however, it's a recurring issue that persistently plagues me instead. I can't say for sure how burnout works for you, as it's slightly different for my case, but hopefully what comes next will be able to help. In some instances, it's because you're too overzealous. You want to achieve many things, and you want to succeed in all of them simultaneously. You work hard and as a result, you get what you wanted. For thr short term, it's deceptively simple. "As long as I have a strong enough will, I can achieve my goals." And then, you move onto your next target. Though part of the issue lies with insufficient rest, the insidious problem lurks in your mindset. Now, this may be purely a "me" problem, and I do hope it is, but here's some of my thoughts. While constantly striving for greater heights is how we emulate the "successful people" in life, it doesn't paint the full picture. "Reach for the stars! So when you fall, you'll fall among the clouds." Heh, how naively ideal. It paints the picture that as long as you have high goals, you'll achieve something incredible even when you fail. It doesn't tell the tale of the treacherous climb, where we stumble and slip, get cut and bruised along the way. How some don't even reach the mountaintop, how some just stare at the stars from afar, realizing how foolish they were from trying in the first place. How the harsh grip of reality snaps me awake as I found myself beginning to despise what I loved for a very long time. Five years. Half a decade before I could take a step forwards again after pacing aimlessly at where I was. And surprisingly, it came from the most unexpected place. I realize it might become my own rant, so I'll just TL;DR. A break is important, but the more important thing is how you use it. Don't just take a break to relax, play games, or do stuff alone. Human interaction helps out quite a lot at times like these. Especially those who know what you're going through. Aight, that's it for me. Peace out


I also had more to say but I also didn't want it to sound like I was ranting too lol