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Let’s Clear Up A Few Things About The Cost Of Magic: The Gathering Cards

Be sure to also check out An Introduction To Magic: The Gathering Gladiator | My New Favorite Way To Play: https://youtu.be/976QQ4MEJzQ #mtg #magicthegathering #commander There's always more to learn! Check out... The New Player’s Guide To Building a Sealed Deck: https://youtu.be/VKCCM8Uvm8U The New Player's Guide To Drafting Magic: The Gathering Cards: https://youtu.be/fUqPxSYPfrA Pick up a Battle Deck of your choice for only $9.99 by going to http://www.cardkingdom.com/TCC and see my review on them here: Check out BATTLE Decks and my review here: https://youtu.be/8vYRylzo5gM TCC Shirts! Playmats! - http://www.tolariancommunitycollege.com/store Or you can support me directly over at Patreon -https://www.patreon.com/tolariancommunitycollege



Totally agree. In my opinion this video content is not concerning about something that we could agree with or not, It’s about facts. The fact is that today Magic is more about Gamble than play. This is the result of the pandemic and the answer planned by papa Hasbro to the pandemic. Nothing to complain about Hasbro, he is only following his OBJ, but I complain on us, consumers. I love gamble with Magic, in my opinion is a part of this game such as playing or collecting, but if everybody start thinking that is an easy money maker, I think that we are mistaking something. Players are not all investors and only persons that work everyday doing so are the true investors. The ones that has a significantly revenue from buying and selling Magic. Others (including me) has the illusion to do so, and if we are aware of it, we can send good message to Hasbro company like: I don’t want to waste more money than I can effort in all your new product. I’m sure that in this case a company have to follow the market indicators.


My biggest concern with Wizards is how disingenuous and dismissive the company is towards players. Case in point, Jumpstart. Here is a product specifically designed to bring in new players to the game and you largely can't get it anywhere. Players have complained about how hard it's been to get... so the company is printing more... but for Amazon. LGS are a pillar of the game and Wizards is excluding LGS. They are making record profits, why not send Jumpstart directly to LGS near cost? They have the ability to send direct. Secret Lairs are direct. TSR is another example. LGS can't get any, yet Amazon was flooded with 1000s of boxes at an extreme mark up. Everyone keeps wondering when the next drop of product will be and just a few days ago 1000s of TSR 3-packs flooded Amazon. I have little confidence in what Wizards does and says. All they care about is profits, players be ****. Upset about Universes Beyond? Well that's ok, says Rosewater, in 5 years all you whiners will be gone and no one will care. How's that for listening to your customers? Buying new product should be a fun, positive experience, but it seems like more and more I'm just forking over money to a company that couldn't care less about the players, LGS, or the game itself. I want to find a TCG that cares about LGS and community. What's the point in buying cards if you have no one to play with?


Always happy to see someone patiently and eloquently explain their point of view and point out how others have mischaracterized your words. Having flashbacks to college classes where a Prof patiently educated a student who was taking a deliberately inflammatory/contradictory position while not actually hearing the point of view / evidence of others.


Also how soon does everyone think Bundles will go from 10 draft boosters to some smaller number of Set boosters? I’m guessing the Fall set, in time for Xma$.


Hey Prof! Not sure you need to defend your views so heavily against WOTC and trolls, well, unless WOTC want a formal appology. Your view is your view. Put it out there and let the haters hate and the lovers love.


Hey hey, I was right sadly. Innistrad bundles are now 8 Set Boosters :(