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Magic: The Gathering Moves Beyond Magic: The Gathering

Be sure to also check out The Truth About Time Spiral Remastered here: https://youtu.be/uSOVBXeBYTI #magicthegathering #warhammer #lordoftherings ►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tolariancommunitycollege ►Donate: https://www.paypal.me/tolarian ►Merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/tolarian-community-college ►Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/tolariancommunity Magic Voyages To Universes Beyond https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/magics-voyages-universes-beyond-2021-02-25 Cardboard Crack - Secret Lair https://cardboard-crack.com/post/630569386953015296/secret-lair New Magic Crossovers With Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40k Announced https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2021/02/new-magic-crossovers-with-lord-of-the-rings-and-warhammer-40k-announced/ Wizards of the Coast is Now a Division of Hasbro, Will Lead Digital Licensing Initiatives https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2021/02/wizards-of-the-coast-is-now-a-division-of-hasbro-will-lead-digital-licensing-initiatives/ WotC Makes More Money Than Hasbro's Toy Business https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/47698/wotc-makes-more-money-hasbros-toy-business Why Magic Players Are Upset About Universes Beyond https://www.thegamer.com/why-magic-players-are-upset-about-universes-beyond/


Daniel E. Passaro

Haven’t watched this yet. But yep, the whole situation is bullshit! However, as bad as I feel it is, it is likely a good business decision for increasing sales and bringing new players to the game.


I understand your frustrations. I initially shared them, but 1) I currently have Klug alters of Sam and Dean from Supernatural and 2) I would honestly buy the heck out of a Dragon Age set, or a Doctor Who set, or one of my other loves. So... I dunno. Like you said, this is what Magic is *now*. I can either accept it, or quit, and I'd rather accept it (and wait for my favorite IP's day in the sun).


Is this an extension of movie the remake / reboot epidemic in Hollywood the last decade or so? Have huge conglomerates have gotten so fearful of losing money on new ideas, that they have decided, and think it is perfectly acceptable, to just go with what has worked elsewhere and in the past, and hope that cramming it into a new pair of shoes will make it work again?

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

It's truly sad that something that should be exciting is instead a hammer we are watching, waiting for it to drop on our heads. Personally, I could have a great giggle torching heretics with heavy flamers. But I know the cost will be greater than I want to pay, both personally to acquire the product and the detriment to the gane as a whole as greed forces ever more FOMO into product releases.


The question "why isn't 40k doing the same thing?" gets to the heart of all of this. 40k takes pride in its lore and aesthetics, these are of paramount concern to GW, but the same cannot be said for the current iteration of WOTC. Even still, it wouldn't be a problem if WOTC wasn't intent on these being tournament legal in as many formats as possible. They aren't content with this being a side project, the way basically every other IP crossover works, they want Magic to simply become all those other IPs because that seems to be a quicker way to make money than investing in fixing their own IP. The way they're going about this makes these other IPs not so much optional as inescapable.


"Less Magic. Less Gathering." Less me. I started my MTG journey in June 2020. The reason for getting into the game was because I wanted to help save a game store. The owner is a young woman who dreamed of opening a welcoming space for nerds to come together and share in their love for all things fantasy. She finally opened her store in Feb 2020. It was open for less than three weeks before being forced closed by COVID restrictions. I read about her story on social media, how two parents came in crying because her store played Pokemon with their socially challenged child and it changed his life, how in three weeks the store made such a difference in the community, and it broke my heart. We all have hopes and dreams. Unfortunately too often life comes along and wrecks them. Since I've been on the receiving end of having dreams crushed, I wasn't about to see hers get wrecked too. I researched what games I could buy to try to help keep her open but not basically lose 100% of my money. Who needs more than one copy of Catan? The game I came across was MTG. It looked like something I could purchase and reasonably get my money back in five years or so. I contacted her and pre-ordered her entire allocation of Double Masters. I had no intention of playing MTG. The game was far too complex (Haste, Flash, tapping stuff, etc.). All that mattered to me was that her store survived COVID. During this time I started watching "Mad Money" Rudy on YouTube for entertainment and later found Tolarian Community College via recommended videos. Eventually I started to get interested in actually playing the game. Deck building was beyond comprehension though. Thankfully something called Jumpstart came out and I was able to buy two whole boxes. I really enjoyed Jumpstart and decided to engage in MTG through Arena. Since Double Masters I've been faithfully buying as much MTG product from the store that I can financially sustain, and the store, while still posting a loss for 2020, has been able to limp along. In the interim it's grown a significant following on Discord and is pulling in people from the entire region with people regularly driving over two hours to get to the store to buy things to support it. They regularly sell out of -everything-. Mission accomplished. I look forward to finally being able to play something in person there... but what that something is... I don't know. The announcement of Universes Beyond is just another alarming sign -- among many -- that Wizards is more concerned about profits than everything else. I've spoken to the store and she's had it with Wizards. From what I can tell the straw that broke the camel's back was the Tasha's Cauldron of Everything release for D&D. The alternate art books are such poor quality that pages fall out as soon as they are opened. Wizards is refusing to make good on them. This one event isn't the issue though. The issue is how Wizards makes slap after slap to the face of local stores (selling on Amazon, Secret Lairs, etc.). In response the store will be ending their D&D campaigns and switching to Genesys. They are also going to cut back on MTG events and replace them with more Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh events, companies that both respect their stores far more than Wizards seemingly ever will. If there are fewer and fewer opportunities for Gathering to play Magic, what will that mean for the game? I have few friends who play games. My LGS is the only place I can reasonably play a physical game. Furthermore, the immersion breaking experience that Universes Beyond is going to force upon players, whether they agree to it or not, is going to break the game for me. Elsa turning everyone into snowpeeps like Oko does elk, and Spongebob running around laughing like a dolphin may be entertaining to some people, but it's not for me. Disney didn't put Elsa and Darth Vader into Avengers: End Game, even though they could have. And while I'm sure some people would have been entertained by that, I think for the majority of Avengers fans, this would have been a massive turn off. Based on this example, I can only assume that the same is going to happen to Magic. I don't want Elsa in my MTG games. How many players do? I think she's cool, but Elsa belongs in Arendelle with "that sister" (Anna), just as much as Han Solo belongs on the Millennium Falcon. Neither belong in MTG. Do I belong in MTG? Thankfully the store will go on thanks to the support of the community, regardless of whatever games are played there. Most likely am going to switch to Pokemon because as much as an Elsa-cuno or a Skywalker-chu may make money for the brand, I highly doubt either will ever show up in Pokemon and break their established world. I want to play Pokemon to play Pokemon. If I want to play Star Wars I can play the many, many -many- Star Wars TCGs that have come and gone. Thank you for taking the time to read. God knows how Wizards would never.


They should make a seperate format. Kinda like LOTR warhammer.


I don't play magic, but I've always watched Prof videos because he does really good reviews of accessories, such as binders and card sleeves. I just want to say, I am sorry to see this happening to a world you all love.