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MTG - Where to start in Standard? The $20 Zulaport Sacrifice Budget Deck For Magic: The Gathering

TCC Shirts! MUGS! Yes, Tolarian COFFE MUGS! TCC Playmats! - http://www.tolariancommunitycollege.com/ Come hang out and play Magic with me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/tolariancommunitycollege Support The Professor - Patreon -https://www.patreon.com/tolariancommunitycollege TCC Shirts! Playmats! - http://www.tolariancommunitycollege.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TolarianCollege FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/TolarianCommunityCollege Is it worth it to buy From The Vault: https://youtu.be/0gKuH5M0Q_I Music Courtesy Of: "Vintage Education" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Zulaport Sacrifice 4 Blisterpod 4 Carrier Thrall 4 Catacomb Sifter 3 Fleshbag Marauder 2 Grim Haruspex 1 Merciless Executioner 4 Nantuko Husk 4 Sultai Emissary 4 Zulaport Cutthroat 2 Bone Splinters 2 Dutiful Return 1 Ruinous Path 2 Complete Disregard 4 Evolving Wilds 4 Forest 4 Jungle Hollow 2 Rogue's Passage 9 Swamp 2 Complete Disregard 3 Despise 3 Duress 3 Feed the Clan 2 Gurmag Angler 2 Ultimate Price Zendikar. A plane in peril. The battle against the Eldrazi cannot succeed without you. That’s right, young Planeswalker, only you can save this world. Taking all of your money, pile it onto the table and buy as many Jace’s as you can. No, no, we need more Jac’s than that to defeat the Eldrazi. Good, good, now Gideons! You need Gideons as well. We must fill every hedron with Gideons! More money, planeswalker! We need more money! Cough. Um, listen, if you’re going to save Zendikar, you’re going to have to bust out the credit card. Or, maybe not, because for less than the price of an event deck, you can ride into Friday Night Magic with the classiest deck in Standard: Zulaport Sacrifice. Zulaport Sacrifice is aristocrats style deck which uses Nantuko Husk and Rogue’s passage to make a gigantic unblockable creature to beat your opponent’s into submission. It also beats these out of control standard prices into submission as well, because the entire deck can be put together for about $20.00. Let’s take a look! Nantuko Husk get’s +2/+2 each time you sacrifice a creature and Rogue’s Passage will let you make target creature unblockable, but there’s more to the deck than just that. Zulaport Cutthroat and Grim Haruspex create amazing synergy with our creature’s deaths. The Cutthroat will gain us life and simultaneously have our opponents lose a life each time a creature of ours dies. This by itself puts major pressure on the board, and means we don’t even need to swing with a 20/20 Husk because each creature it eats will lose our opponent a life. The Haruspex is a card draw engine here, albeit only for non-token creatures of ours that die. With either or both of these on the board, our deck is providing major value. So obviously with a sacrifice strategy we are going to need some major token generation. Playsets of Blisterpod, Carrier Thrall and Catacomb Sifter not only generate tokens, but tokens which can be sacrificed for mana to help us outrace our opponents. Sultai Emissary doesn’t exactly create a token upon death, but it allows us to manifest the top card of our library. This is actually a lot of value, because we can sack the top card as a creature as well, or, if it is a spell we need, cast it and have essentially gotten a free card draw. What about removal? Merciless Executioner and Fleshbag Marauder both force each player to sacrifice a creature. For us, with Cutthroat and or Haruspex in play, that’s value, for our opponents...it’s trouble. For more targeted removal, the deck runs Bone Splinters, which destroys target creature for only one black mana but with the cost of our needing to sacrifice a creature as well. Again, with Cutthroat and or Haruspex in play, this just gets us added value. Ruinous Path is straight up targeted removal with the bonus of Awaken which, with all these mana generating tokens, can be relevant a lot earlier game than usual. The deck also runs a few complete disregard to exile something of our opponent’s with mana 3 or less entirely. Dutiful Return is very important, in that we need both the option to bring some of these token generators back into play, but also if our Husk or Cutthroat get destroyed, we need the ability to bring them back.


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