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The Sorcerer's Gameshow - Introduction

  • Keith Patterson 3
  • Blake Traeger 1
  • Jessica Andrews 3
  • Cheryl Brown 1
  • 2024-01-05
  • —2024-01-08
  • 8 votes
{'title': "The Sorcerer's Gameshow - Introduction", 'choices': [{'text': 'Keith Patterson', 'votes': 3}, {'text': ' Blake Traeger', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Jessica Andrews', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Cheryl Brown', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 8, 13, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 5, 6, 13, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


Hello everyone, and welcome to The Sorcerer’s Gameshow and I Norman Grayson, will be your host for the evening! Here, a lucky, or unlucky, contestant will play to win the greatest prize of them all, money! But in exchange, they will be wagering their very identities, by risking certain aspects of their lives being changed. But who would risk who they are for money? People who are down to their luck, who have come across some hard times and think that this is an easy way to make money, and maybe don’t fully understand the impact these changes will have on their lives. How is this even possible? Why, thanks to The Sorcerer himself of course! Ever since he acquired the power to alter individual’s realities, The Sorcerer has been endlessly seeking more and more creative ways to use his abilities, and this is his latest venture! His powers will not only change the victim… I mean… Contestant’s life, they will also change his reality, adjusting little details to ensure that everybody but the subject, the staff and our audience will think the new changes are as they always were.

So, how does this game work exactly? The game will consist of three rounds, during which the contestant will need to answer five questions correctly. If they answer correctly, they will win an incremental amount of money. But for each question they answer incorrectly, they will receive one of four changes. The Sorcerer selects the options, but then that is when you come in! Our Studio Audience (Reality Shapers) will get to select which of the four changes gets applied to the contestant. And in case of ties The Sorcerer himself will break ties and choose which change to apply.

And here comes your first choice! Who will be the first contestant to appear on our show? We have four candidates aligned for the first ever edition of The Sorcerer’s Gameshow, and you get to decide who will be our first victim!

First, we have Keith Patterson, a 35-year-old man who fell onto some hard times recently, laid off from his corporate job a month before Christmas, can you believe it? And with interest on his house skyrocketing after his last mortgage resigning, plus the fact that he is the primary breadwinner, providing for his wife who has a small gardening business, he views this show as an absolute blessing, a chance to secure both his and his wife’s future. But will he lose more than he bargained for? We will find out if he gets chosen!

Second, we have Blake Traeger. 18 years old, good looking and in shape, just started college, has his whole life ahead of him, why would he risk it all for money? Greed? Fame? The impetuousness of youth? Most likely a little of all these answers if you ask me. Either way, Blake is in it to win it, and will do his best show off what he learned in school, and get a maximum amount of money… While losing as little as possible of his pretty amazing life.

Third we have Jessica Andrews. This 23-year-old woman just finished college with a liberal arts degree, and no job to show for it. With her student loans piling up, bills falling behind and her apartment rent rising again and again, minimum wage just isn’t doing it anymore. She hopes to clear all her debt and get ahead in life and end up not too worse for wear after her changes.

And lastly, we have Cheryl Brown, a 44-year-old divorcee who got way less than she anticipated in the settlement. Now she is left middle aged, no husband, no house, and no way to finance the lavish lifestyle she has grown accustomed to. She has decided to risk it all to try and regain her financial independence, but maybe she has more to lose than she realizes by coming on this show…

So, who will it be? Keith, the loving husband? Blake, the brash student? Jessica, the indebted graduate? Or Cheryl, the Divorcee? You get to decide! So cast your votes, and we will see you on the premier of The Sorcerer’s Gameshow!


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