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Happy New Year Everyone, hope you had a pleasant time with your friends and family during the Holidays!

I wanted to try something new. I always had issues with GIFs, as I can't include them in PDF files, where I usually have my more explicit content, and Captions where I typically have them are directly visible on my page, which isn't great, as Patreon can be touchy about explicit content, and I would rather avoid having my page taken down for things like that. This creates an issue as the best GIFs are 18+, so today, I am going to try sharing a link to a file, instead of hosting it directly here.

Let me know if you have any issues accessing it, and keep in mind that this is a trial, so if you would like to see more explicit GIF, do not hesitate to give me feedback, if this is a good format or if other alternatives would be best.

You go shopping for new clothes, and have no idea that you are about to fall victim to a rampaging Reality Bender!





It works for me as long as I download the file. Doesn’t seem to let you just view it on the site, at least on mobile! Hopefully this should be a solid workaround though as I think gifs can be great to enhance the caption experience!


Thanks for the feedback, will look into that! I have another on like this coming out on Friday, so I'll try a few things for that one!