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Hey beautiful (and overly patient) peoples!

It has been a long, long time, I know. I don't even have the courage to check how much without the fear of commiting seppuku out of shame.

I've been struggling with personal and health issues for a long while now. I'll explain a bit more below for those who are interested in knowing why,  and don't use the discord server that much... But for those who are really not interested in knowing, I'll first leave this news here...

BT: SURVIVOR GUILT 0.03 UPDATE WILL BE RELEASING TOMORROW (Less than 24hs since this post)


Now. Most of you might be aware that I started having health issues  a while back. Several (yes... most than one) Kidney stones  (some of them more painful that others), caused most likely by bad life choices in regard of food and drinks I consumed. Those who have suffered from kidney stones pain, might know that the pain can be excrutiating at times... I know it is not always the case for everyone. It depends on the size of the stone and the person's ability of supporting pain. Me personally I think (Or I thought) I have a high tolerance... But in the most painful moments I couldn't stand, sit or lay down. Only a visit to the ER and opium-based painkillers could calm it down... But, that horrible part has pass.  Blessfully.
I still have one in my right kidney. But luckly this one is not as painful as previous ones and only hurts some days which can be managable with mild painkillers.

Now. You might think that that was the end of it... But no. Life had another surprise for me.

Not so long ago I started having "breathing issues" (Why the qoutes? You'll understand later)
I started having trouble breathing at times... and one particular time it was acompanied by chest pain... needless to say I was freaked about it and ended up in ER again thinking I was having a heart attack... and after being some time in observation and tests, the heart and  the lungs looked fine. The doctors called it "Nervous breakdown"... they gave me some anxciolytics and send me home.

But since then I was having more and more of these "episodes" almost daily. Long story short: After some visits to a cardiologist and more clean tests, I decided to go to a psychiatric evaluation... And then  I was diagnosed with "Depression, Anxiety and Panick attacks"... Yep... I'm one of "those" it seems.

The good news is that, instead of denying it or trying to "deal with it" on my own... I sought help. So I'm now in weekly therapy sessions and taking medication for it. And it helps.
I started working daily again... Which I haven't done in a while now. Before I could work maybe an hour a day, a day or two a week before I lost the motivation to do so... and those were the good days. I also started to go out of the house more... walks... friends and familly gathering, etc. Also went back to exercising.... gotta get those gains.

And I'm here now... a bit better. Regaining my will to do more stuff everyday. Which is enough for now.

So that's it. Update will be out tomorrow. And after that I'll resume work on the other game "The Manor". Which I miss working on.

Love ya all. And I'll see ya tomorrow.



Robert Moreno

I'm glad you are recovering and you are doing. I hope this year brings you a better bill of health!!


Hey man! :) Happy to see you choosing a routine and getting out of the house for walks. That stuff is important. Take care!