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Hi pervs and pervettes!

This report will be short as heck and (sadly) dry as hock.
Last week's work was sporadic, to say the least. As you may noticed by my previous post, I spent most of the time with my PC unplugged so people could work on my new office, after that another guy came to work on the electric installation... and after all of that, I spent some time of my own setting up my setup (redundancy apart).

However, In in the last couple days, I managed to finish some of the new poses for Nadya's Bust. So it wasn't a total waste of time, game-development-wise.

Now that I have everything in place and my new working space is comfortable and clean, I will resume working on full throttle. So I hope to have a lot more info to share on the next Weekend Report.

Unrelated note:
I know you must be sick and tired of all the COVID-19 post you may find on your several feeds. And I'm not one for telling people what they should or shouldn't do. But I will say this: Stay Inside, stay safe! Protect yourselves and others. Everything will be alright eventually, but in the meantime, remember to wash your hands, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities and as always, say "no" to hand-holding (The Devil's Kink).

And as always, thanks to being there, and I'll write to you again next weekend (or sooner if I post something else) 



do you have a Mac Version???

Alex Taylor

Greetings from America, Doctor! I've begun playing "The Manor" recently and am loving it. I'm happy to help support you. Stay safe and keep up the good work!