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Hey, long time no see (nor write, not nothing... sorry about that).

Well well well... Now that the "other" game's update is ready, I can put my whole attention for a while on the new project. I hope to get the demo ready soon(ish), but as you know, I had to rush this project due to Patreon "thing"... But it is looking good. So (for those who really want  to try it) I'm postiive you'll like it...

In the meantime, I'll try to post previews for characters and scenes that will be on the demo.
So be sure to check the Discord channel from time to time... In fact, you can check it now, I posted a full image preview for Nadya's nude bust (only for Patreons).

I will be more active on here from now on... Also, if you are interested in sugesting stuff for "BT: Survivor Guilt", be sure to post it on the server...

Here is the invite, if you are not in it: https://discord.gg/ZCBbekh

See ya later, and thank you for sticking around...



Michael payton

How do I see the nude one on discord


can I get the link to discord