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00:02:10 - Tea vs Coffee vs Cat vs Dog countries. Fruits of war

00:13:00 - Ukrainian War Sitrep

00:17:45 - First-hand experience of a Russian soldier in Kherson

00:21:25 - Aidar battalion. Wagner. Denazified Azov POWs in Elenovka

00:33:35 - Shelling of Donetsk with lepestok mines

00:41:40 - Ukrainian "relief to the world". Kosovo discrimination of serbs ft Miodrag Žarkovic

Youtube with some footage: https://youtu.be/v5DGVnz4cdI




Hi. Greetings from Slovenia.


The Tea/Coffee cat/dog theory is very intriguing Now I’ll have something to confuse my friend who like psychology 😂


Türkiye: cat %50 , dog % 50 Tea %50 , Coffee % 50 Conclusion; a country which seems very balanced and ext. However, if you are a citizien there is only caos. 🤪


Australia. Its a gender thing I think. Women cats, men dogs. Me both! Hope that doesnt get me banned 😅


Norway, cats and coffee (Annan) You guys are wonderful, thank you for your work.


Of course a single 50-800 kT weapon will not stop the shelling on Donetsk. One nuclear device will not solve this. I would estimate the Iskander-M has a nuclear warhead (if not two or more options are available) w a maximum yield probably in the 50 to 100 kT range although I would expect such a physics package to have a variable yield stretching down to absolute most 20 kT and possibly down to approx 1kT. A 1 or 5 kT device yield would be very useful together with a device yield of 50-100 kT. If a nuclear device is airbursted at an altitude where the initial fireball does not touch the ground there will actually be very little, in fact neglibable, fallout after a nuclear detonation although the immediate radiation released during the first second of the detonation will kill most people in the line of sight to the device at detonation (20 cm of lead decreases radiation by half, the same for 1 m of tightly packed earth), at a distance of a few hundred meters to a few kilometers, depending on yield and other parameters. Why not give a simple warning to the globohomo complex in general and the Ukraine Armed Forces in particular like the following: ”We have tried for months to get a negotiated end to hostilities in Ukraine but Zelensky’s regime, backed by the West, is not interested. The former American ambassador to Moscow has even publically admitted that the US were never going to bring Ukraine into NATO but hoped we would defend ourselves from what any rational actor would consider a threat to the state. Imagine the cynicism. Since the west and Ukraine has no interest in peace talks and high-level officials have even has called for dismantling the Russian state and killing our president, from here on, we will make our own rules - distinct from the rules backed order, ie US full spectrum hegemony, and we will act within those rules as we see fit. So, to the heart of the matter: If the attacks on Donetsk by Ukrainean Armed Forces or any military or paramilitary force that is decided to be affiliated w the UaF Ukraine will experience a type of destruction not seen since 1945 in this world. The same applies if any forced, and we stress only forced, deportations of Russian speakers by Ukrainean or Ukrainean-affilitated organisations out of warzones take place. The time will be chosen at our discretion”. A 1 kT airburst that gives 20 psi overpressure at ground level over the Ukraine national military headquarters in Kiev or wherever Russia has located main C2 facilities combined w a 50 kT device exploded over Lviv making sure to destroy any buildings where UK and US advisors are stationed as well as railways and railway yards, and another detonation with the same yield done over Kovel, both preferably done when there’s no wind and at a burst height low enough to create heavy fallout over Lviv and Kovel, would almost surely destroy western logistics chains as well as kill the western and ukrainean middlemen operating in those cities and make it impossible to stay in Lviv or Kovel for more than a few hours for months while passing though by rail or car will only be possible after months of repairing the railway and road network (although one could theoretically pass through by helicopter after a week while staying at most 15-90 minutes inside the contaminated area, depending on fallout - it would be possibly but absolutely not advisable). The US most probably won’t do much except threathen every country in the world with sanctions if they don’t condemn Russia. I can’t see why you are so negative to nucleat warfare. This would probably shorten the war by many months. Admittedly, It’s a risky strategy but advancing slowly while the US finds out which weapon systems are the most effective (I would rate HIMARS / M270 with M31 INS/GPS guided rockets as a 4/5 here - BTW, why aren’t Russia spoofing SATNAV - I doubt very many M31 missiles, although perhaps all fired to date, might have spoof secure GPS) isn’t exactly foolproof either. Might be a good idea to do some polling first in the Global south and other states friendly to Russia to see what the population AND elite would think of Russian nuclear use and of course consult China first, though..


What’s weird is now I can’t listen or load this in Russia. Wout vpn. As of august 10.


You might need a trip to the memorial at Hiroshima and some quiet introspection.