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Name: Kachina the chipmunk

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Dreamcatchers (Consists of multiple mammal species)

Relationships: Her mentor Grimdal.

Powers: Able to capture dream stars which makes her stronger against monsters and foes and enter people’s dreams and even hers at will.

Sexual orientation: Straight

Talents: Acrobatics and balancing skills, dream balancing and stuffing her mouth full of nuts.

Country of birth: Havenvale

Hometown: Nilkla (A short walking distance to the village)

Current residence: Orphan

Parents: Unknown

Height: 6 ¾ Tall

Weight: 110 Lbs.

Eye color: Sapphire blue

Hair color: Brown

Fur color: Light brown with a tan orange belly, tip of tail, muzzle and toes

Personality: Kind-hearted, spunky, adventurous, disobedient at rare times, snarky/sarcastic against mean people, extremely focused and emotional at times.

Likes: Dream stars, all kinds of nuts, good dreams, living a full day without getting sick and calm peaceful spring or summer days.

Dislikes: Bad dreams/nightmares, people who are mean to her or others, feeling sick, feeling like an outcast and failing specific missions or goals.

IQ: 115

Strengths: Aerobic techniques, dream stars, open areas, good dreams and determination for doing things for the greater good of others.

Weaknesses: Closed in tight areas, stormy weather, her sickness affecting her health, nightmares and seeing other people hurt or in pain.

Brave against: Monsters, deathtraps and scary men in bars.

Weak against: Nightmares that are too strong for her, all kinds of sicknesses and cold weather.

Weapons: Dream Net with dream crystals to catch certain dream stars

Backstory: Birthdate unknown as her first living moments were left abandoned in a stormy night in a forest, Kachina was taken in by Nilkla’s only priest Grimdal to raise her as his own. From childhood to her adulthood, Kachina always had the ability to visit anyone’s dreams or even her own. Grimdal explains that she the last surviving legacy of the Dreamcatcher race, passed down from generation to the next until the legacy faded from well-known abilities to myth. Kachina always did her best to fully understand her powers that she was blessed with. Other times she claims that it is a curse as most dreams she finds herself in are unspeakable to her inner fragile mind. One day, rumors spread of a spine-chilling disease known as Unothima. One who bares the green mark on their backside is destined to die at any point in their lifetime and bring death and despair to anyone who crosses their path. Any of those who actually had said disease only lasted for so long. It is unknown how the disease spreads or finds it’s victims. It wasn’t until childhood when Kachina would be condemned by her village when they saw that she bared the mark of the disease. She felt like an outcast, fearing that she could bring death and destruction to innocent lives. Fortunately for her and the village, no one was suffering a painful death even though Kachina frequently got sick in her stomach as well as having the unfortunate night or two to stay inside from the red bumps on her body that appear depending on the weather or humidity.

One night Kachina enters a dream where a fallen hero known as Merdus tried to gain control of the Dreamcatchers and use their powers. Merdus was a hero that brought peace to the country Havenvale where his legend lived on in the hearts of millions of people. It wasn’t until Kachina entered his dream in her sleep and saw that he had become corrupt with power while searching for the remaining Dreamcatchers. She feared that he would find his way to her village and sets out to stop him before he does so. Little does she know of the power that he possesses…

Kachina is the only one who is able to see Dream stars in her path which grants her powers depending on what the dream star contains. If she collects 50 of smaller ones known as dream puffs they will consist of a single Dream star. When she enters her own or someone else’s dreams, she gains control of her dream wings which allows her to fly among long distances unreachable by normal means. Dream wings are an essential necessity for the Dreamcatchers. However it cannot be used in the real world.

Unothima is a rare and un-expecting disease waiting to strike when people least expect it. It could be because of pollution in the air or it being passed to another by mere coincidence. Effects include nausea, chills, stomach viruses, itchy rashes and lack of oxygen in the lungs. Lastly, depending on how strong the immune system is to said person, the disease could eat away at their cardiac muscles and will kill them in the process. Some people claim that the sickness is more of a parasite and has a mind of it’s own.

The Dreamcatchers are a race of beings with the ability to enter or see others’ dreams. It was first discovered as a gift for a native tribe forming the country of Havenvale. The natives were the only ones able to withstand these powers but shared their knowledge and wisdom of what they learned to other inhabitants. Over time the offspring they would have would either have or not have the abilities to enter dreams and explore among them whenever they wish and as time passed, the abilities passed to their offspring would eventually die off. The natives pass on as time began to forget about them and their incredible power of dreams. Only very few existed that still held onto their dream powers but most of them were left to obscurity or died naturally with no one to tell their tales. Except one.

Havenvale is a country of all living things as animals and critters live in harmony. Their country ruled by a democratic peace race by King Rollingtien VIX. One day the country would fall into ruin by a great beast who shapeshifts into a matter of monstrous forms. It wasn’t until a hero named Merdus fought and defeated the savage beast. He was a hero among legends to his people. But deep down all he wanted was power. After his victory he sought about to search for power to make him invincible. He then discovered the lasting tribe of the Dreamcatchers. He wanted their powers all for himself and did away with them. No one ever learned of his vile torturous ways against innocent lives. He believed he lost his way to power and left for the Blackwood Mountains. Now he has visions of what seemed to be a lone surviving Dreamcatcher. One that may give him his chance for power.


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