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once i get all the colors down i will blend them like i have with most my folios 



David Ewell

Looking very good. I do have something of a pet peeve about how much should be shown where she's being penetrated... for examples... https://www.dropbox.com/s/9t4npacggez6jv8/hattonslayden-fox%20and%20knight%20update%20220315%20mail%20adj.webp?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7qr8nc7dspytcs/hattonslayden-fox%20and%20knight%20update%20220315%20saddled%20ADJ.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/whowvsrfcuekvft/hattonslayden-fox%20and%20knight%20update%20220315%20side%20pin%20adj.jpg?dl=0 for me less is more.


its been a while since you had to do this kind of thing huh ;) once i get all the base colors down and start the final "melding and blending" process i will fix them