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thar she blows 



Simone Spinozzi

catching up on my "crushed under work" disappearance. That said: "yer drivin' me nuts!" "what? No! that's wrong!" "what?!" "i'm not an helm." "what the...?!" "i'm driving the ship by steering the helm, i'm not driving your nuts." "Uh... lassie ... i'm.... that's not..." "and i'm not Lassie. Lassie is the dog girl down there." <i>*dog girl turns around and waves then goes back to do her job*</i> "but...?!" "And don't you "but" me! Understood? You don't even try to "but" with me. I will not be shoved around!" "yer drivin' me nuts!" <i>*go back to the first line*</i>