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i wasn't that interested in drawing Tawna until i stumbled across a joke line that said she dated a character "Spathan Trake", a play on Nathan Drake and as the simple man that i am my interest was peaked.  i downloaded a game model of tawna and built a stick figure model with those proportions.  next i will eventually take the gen 8 Daz female and morph it into the same game proportions for a more "realisitc" model and then do some drake/tawna content 



Simone Spinozzi

>.> <.< uh... have fun... i guess...? my brain prevents it for me with that head to body ratio 😖


well i base it off the game model and there she looks like she is in he mid 20s to me. maybe i made he head lines too thick

Simone Spinozzi

Hmmm... no, it is probably me. It's something i differ from most people. Most people can see cartoonish proportions (like those of a game) and feel like the character is an adult by just "correcting them a tiny bit". To me the correction actually makes it way worse because now they enter into a "recognizable human shape". Aaand that looks like a kid. Despite the fect people tell me "this drawing... it has tits and it has an hourglass shape it can't be a kid." Sooooo yyyyeah. To most people that is not a problem at all... ...to me it feels like somebody gave a kid a full on tits and ass job I tell you because i saw that stuff which cannot be mistaken for human (like your faerie dragon lady) can have the same proportions if not worse... and still feel "okay this is not a kid". But for me this is "a human with very big eyes, large head and a weird nose". Sooo... that to me looks like something that should be 5 to 8 years old, maaaaybe 12 just because the idea of "boobs" starts placing the body into that age range. And it is "kinda squicking me". As i said... i know "it's just me" because either the world is full of "closet pedophiles" whiiiiich i kinda doubt. Or... well... it's just me. Most people can tell to themselves "yeah, no that's definitively not a human kid. I can't. Goblins and Asuras look even worse to me... and don't get me started on kobolds, which should not, but since they often look like flat chested toddlers with a weird head and a tail... yeah. Also: freaking drossel... why is there so much porn of a kid shaped robot that behaves like a kid, but happens to be 40 thousands years old? Same thing with all the loli vampires and stuff. Let's add then that most of the comics have those people be very *playful* because it's supposed to be fun... and... yeah that sends shivers on my spine in a very *very* bad way. I guess the problem i have is that some stuff "looks cool" until it hits me that people want to have sex with what is portrayed and then i see the sex being portrayed. Add to that that usually it's about people who like "size difference"... and... yeah. As i said. It's silly and i know it's stupid and i know that "nobody is into that stuff" (that is: there obviously are people, but it's not as widespread as the phenomenon would suggest)... but it's stuff that hits me very hard and very bad. You know how for "some people" seeing the wolf lady behave like a dog and looking like a wolf must "obviously"means that "furries must be into zoophilia" or other idiotic stuff like that, while instead it's very clear that it's just "being silly on purpose"? You made it clear in at least one comic, the one with the bunny where they discuss that it's all roleplay, nowadays it's all in the posture and the way in which they subtly switch emotions like "yeah, that was silly fun, but now i want something different" and that... yeah that's *definitively not* "animal behaviour". (see also all the idiocies i used to write... when i had time to write silly roleplaying stories under all this instead of being crushed under work like i am these days) For me... yeah i am being "those people" right now. Because... yeah. Some things just hit me wrong. Might be personal experiences or other stuff like that. In any case... i know it's silly and it's just me. And let's be honest, you often surprised me. Sooo yeah.

Simone Spinozzi

It's my stupid brain, you have nothing to be sorry about. <h1>🥺👍💖</h1>

Simone Spinozzi

no, seriously, you do great art and you always strive to make things nice for everybody. If some things do not work for me, you don't have to force yourself. <h1>😓</h1> And yes, you usually make stuff i just adore.