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aaah such fun.  many of the pages i really did not have to change much.  just alter the pose slightly to make it more dramatic and natural looking, and of course those more involved backgrounds 

if you pardon my rambling for a moment.  i feel like i can finally draw the stories i want to without having to plan out every character and environmental model 




Nice, the tiger lady from those folios you did a long time ago is one of my fav characters of yours.


thank you. i am so glad these comics are being easier to draw. i have so many stories to tell

Simone Spinozzi

"do i look like a joke to you?" "play!" *leaves* *gets pounced* "P-L-A-Y." *sex happens* "well that was exhausting." "yeah, yeah, remember to pick up the kids from soccer." "will do. but can i trust you to at least do the dishes?" *prrrr* "you can thrust me, yessssrrrrr...." "honey...." "yeah, yeah, stupid machines that you need to be stupid careful with and stupid fragile dishes." "honey...." *sigh* "Life was so simple here in the jungle..." "that's why we have these roleplay sessions." "can i at least get some prey for dinner?" "lady... you're a grown woman, i don't need to tell you what you can do, i'm asking you to please do your part. Also: please keep in mind this is a natural reserve." "Not using guns and i'm a natural predator." *sigh* "honey...." "Okay, okay! Will buy it at the market and hit the gym." "thanks." *peck*