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update for robo sharky shark.  right now i am working on the linework for her robot skeleton.  then her color.  once that is done i will look through all the files for this commission, set it up in the final layout and go over it with Simone to se if anything needs a final fix 



Simone Spinozzi

SHE SUCKS! ... in a nicely rendered way. 😈😈😈👍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 but i thought you were going to show the full bust where she also expells the water, not just the head

Simone Spinozzi

Ah, okay, now i get what you're doing there.... I think you misunderstood what i wanted. Ah, well. basically i removed that the jets and the bust were to be two separate images (i don't know if you checked the last version of the layout which we had stalked about, but i guess you kept the very first version) Aaand i basically meant to see her doing this: https://www.screengeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/aquaman-justice-league.jpg But with her mouth open and expelling water at high speed from the gills. 😂 Yeah, it's stupid but looks like a good joke.