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ok so here is a dumb idea i was thinking about starting around october if you all find it interesting.  it is a completely SFW story and very rough because i just came up with it a few hours ago

human ghost is being sent back to the world of the living to be reborn.

but instead he gets trapped in a teddy bear....on an alien planet and his is given to a little alien girl.  

very grumpy about this turn of events he is very foul mouthed at first until he find she can hear him, so he cleans up his language and tells her he is her imaginary friend.  most days are spent just being a good imaginary friend, until one day she and her single mother go camping and the little girl  is separated.  the ghost guy helps keep her calm as the night wears on but wild animals start circling in the distance.  he tells her to find a secluded area to hide.  she passes out from exhaustion and one of the wild animals get closer finding their hiding place. 

in a panic the possessed bear yell BOOGA BOOGAA BOOGAA! at the animal and is surprised he scares it off.  

cut back to the mother who got a whole search party together and are desperately trying to find the girl.  suddenly a small pebble hits one on the back and they turn to find out what threw it.  hearing what they think is a person talking the rush in the direction the pebble came from.

flashlights fall upon the bear as he sits motionless just in front of where the girl is sleeping, and she is rescued.

years go by and the mother tells the girl she should not have an "imaginary" friend anymore.  the girl does not want to but the bear agrees and decided to not talk anymore.  

more years past and the girl is in her mid teens with the bear up on a cupboard.  the mother gets a new boyfriend who acts really sleazy and creeps the girl out.  the bear agrees but accidentally does so out loud freaking the girl out and she throws him in the closet.

the mother has to go to work (nurse emergency call) and the sleazy boyfriend goes up to the girls room and tries to force himself on her.

fear panic and angry fills the bear and he forces himself to move again, kicking open the closet doors distracting the boyfriend.  but as soon as the sleaze looks around the bear has stopped moving again.  the sleaze threatens the girl to not move and he goes to stare at the bear for a min.

nothing happens and the sleaze turns around saying "huh.  now where were well?" the bear leaps onto his back bellowing "ZULL MOTHER FUCKER ZULL!" 

the struggle have the sleaze fall out of the room and onto the landing (two story house)

he gets up and inches back to the door slowly.  when he gets to the door frame the bear jump scares him yelling "I'M GONNA GO CHUCKY ON YOUR ASS" causing the sleaze to fall down the stairs.  as the sleaze gets his bearing back the bear peaks over the top of the stairs and menacingly says "peekaboo i see you" 

the sleaze tries to get out the house but forgets he locked it and too panicked to unlock it. 

the two "fight" back and forth in a sort of "child's play" way until the sleaze lights the bear on fire with a pilot light and throws him in the trash causing a moderate fireball.

at this point the mother has come home and only saw the sleaze throw the lit bear into the trash.  the daughter tries to explain but the sleaze has had enough slamming both the women against the wall near the front door and looks like he is going to kill them. 

suddenly "SMOKEY IS PISSED!" as the bear jumpkicks the sleaze in the side of the head throwing him right out the front door and onto the lawn. 

the bear has also fallen outside charred and still smoking 

many of the neighbors poke their heads out of doors and windows drawn by the commotion.

both the bear and sleaze stagger back to their feet, the sound of sirens getting closer off in the distance.  

both are barely standing and the sleaze looks at the little teddy bear with terror in his face.  

walking towards the sleaze, the bear says " you know smokey says..." then leaps at the sleaze "...only you can.." then punches him across the face ala one punch man style  "..GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" knocking the sleaze out cold.  the bear falls face down and the girl runs up scooping him up but he is non responsive and starts falling apart.

a gentle blue light envelopes the two and the ghost guy from the beginning.  "see i told you i was an alien"  and she hugs him.  his spirit departs with a teary farewell and the ghost guy is taken up into the sky....only to be put into another bear in an unknown toystor 

