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right so i stumbled across programs like Spine and Dragon bones.  and i wanted to get back into animation again.  i have only dipped my toe into animation in the past and had to abandon it because it is very time consuming and at that point in time i REALLY needed to put out a lot of folios.  now that i have enough folios to put back onto gumroad,  my comic pages are coming along nicely, i am not color blind anymore so i have a lot more freedom with my pallets and i just organized my week days so i stop leaving project behind.  i can take Saturdays for me "animation" days.  once i learn enough about dragonbones (which is free) i will start animating some of my best old folios and make some new images just for animation
however tomorrow is Dyson Day. and that means Mar and shesheik all day as much as i can draw.  i am going to keep working on this to see how much more i can get done before turning in but i don't think i will be able to make anything that interesting before the night is done  



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