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so today is another thursday i have been able to upload videos that are a lot smaller and more concise on what i need to talk about and in time those on my third tear will get similar skills to mine, but take it in their own direction also any of my third tears who has not sent me contact info please do so you don't get left out of anything. also with FINALLY finishing this lucario folio (by next thursday) i have a secret project that should produce some interesting results but i want it to be a surprise




Secret project? Ohhh I'm intrigued :)

David Ewell

This lucario is my ideal "lap dog". Most excellent image.


I really like it! But I have some critique, too. First of all, I think Lucario's paws are too big and her spike should be lower on her chest. Also, Lucario have more of a mouth than a muzzle. As you can tell, I'm all about being close to anatomically correctness. I understand it if you are doing your own thing.


i was thinking a new redesigning is needed for more realism though don't you think that if her chest spike was any lower it would squish between her breasts?