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ah yes a few third tear supporter (thank you very much to everyone supporting me) wanted a naga lady (nagi) with 4 arms. so here is her initial design (all of which will only be posted here)




Damn she's sexy. Her eyes... I can't look away. She won't let me go. And her arms make it easier to hold me in place.


Very beautiful smile and captivating eyes. And for some reason she reminds me of somebody I know (really???). ;-)


Really? Nice. I know of a few pictures of cobra nagas with 4 arms. One by Rick Griffon on dA: <a href="https://rickgriffin.deviantart.com/art/Four-Armed-Snake-73543843" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://rickgriffin.deviantart.com/art/Four-Armed-Snake-73543843</a> One by Cervelet, also on dA: <a href="https://cervelet.deviantart.com/art/Four-armed-Naga-person-481846552" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cervelet.deviantart.com/art/Four-armed-Naga-person-481846552</a>

Vawkis Silverfall

Very Indian god, styled. She's gorgeous, you really do multiple limbed ladies a justice Hatton. naga though, you make them breath taking


thank you and as you know my methods make it easy. now that you are getting a new rig i hope you will try some of them


"Dangerous Curves Ahead"