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well this popped out in just an hour....how the hell did i do that? well it is thurday again and that means a "creation" to post for all my fantastic (thank you all so very much) patreons. i am going to try and get one of these posted per day of just what is easiest for me (because this some how was) and try TRY to stay organized (though by now you all know me as MR Chaos) if i can pace myself and stay organized i can reach all my goals monetarily and expand my stuff. i am looking to get a USB powered 2TB external harddrive to put all my videos in for ease of transport and a Snowbal Blu Mike so i can make better tutorials and commentary recordings for you all




I just remembered reading somewhere you're a brony, and realized it wouldn't take too much to make these into some Zecora themed pics


true you are right on both accounts (adds to bucket list) though i still need to get off my lazy butt and create some princess of the night ones