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Hello everyone,

I wanted to inform you that I most likely won't be posting any pin-ups this month. Instead, I'll be dedicating this time to focus solely on animating and deepening my understanding of animation principles.

My main goal for this month is to master the thrust motion and ingrain it into my mind. As you all know, thrusting is a crucial motion in my line of work, and if the animation for it isn't up to par, it can throw off the entire project.

So, during this period, my primary focus will be on the Skarlet model and practicing different animation techniques. 

By the end of the month, I hope to have a solid grasp of the thrust motion. Then, once I get that out of the way, everything else should fall into place nicely.

Thank you for understanding, and I appreciate your support.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via direct messaging me on patreon or discord.

Stay safe out there, everyone!



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